Paper Hearts || Our Incomplete Story - Part 1

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Vegas stood there with his black suit completely drenched, water dripping from his forehead. Watching Pete beaming with tears streaming down his cheeks under the moonlight. If this was a dream, he would never want to wake up. If he could freeze the time, he would. Watching him from a distance was never enough. Never be. Never will.

Hiding himself behind the tree by the edge of the lake, Vegas watched how Pete was engulfed in another man's arms and that sight alone send a red alert to him. His hands clenched in fists. Teeth gritted imagining how would he beat the bastard to a pulp. The bastard had the audacity to touch what's his. The bastard dare to wipe his Pete tears when it was supposed to be him.

So what are you doing here ?

He couldn't answer that. As much as he could trade everything he has to be beside Pete right now, at that moment, he wouldn't do it. He knew how much Pete hate him. No scratch that. Pete despise him ! With him being anywhere near Pete right now would only made him feel even more worse. And he can't bear to see anymore tears stain those flushed cheeks. Though all he wanted is to be the one hugging Pete. To wipe those tears. To tell him everything will be fine. To kiss his forehead and hug him tightly. Never letting him go.

Tears prick his eyes. God how much it hurts, watching the love of your life engulfed comfortably in another man's arms. Throwing one last glance to Pete, pushing his hair strands away from his forehead, Vegas walked away.


Pete knew something was off. Though Kinn has been trying to convince him, he was the one who found the necklace in the fountain. How the hell could he stay dry ? But Pete was so overwhelmed right now to even ask him questions.

He allowed himself being hug by Kinn. Though it does not provides the comfort that he seeks for. When he felt someone's intense gaze on him, he broke the hug and turned around only to see a black figure walking away.

Squinting his eyes, Pete tried to figure whom it might be when it hit him.


That is Vegas right ? That should be Vegas. If that's the case then why the hell didn't Vegas come to him. Why did Vegas... Why... Why...

"Pete... Peteee !" Kinn's voice wakes Pete up from his trance.

"Huh..." Pete let out a breath.

"Don't be sad baby. I've found you your necklace. Let's get back to the hotel yeah." Kinn places his warm hand on Pete's right cheek.

It feels warm. But not the warmth he's seeking for. The warmth that he craves, the warmth that made him bask in happiness.


Fuck it ! It's now or never. He's not going to tolerate any of this anymore.

"Let's go back." Pete sounded determined and Kinn noded in agreement. Grabbing Pete's hand in his. Walking him back to his room. Thinking that it's a perfect little world with no one else but him and Pete.

Little does Kinn know...


It took multiple of self - confronting session to convince himself that whatever he plans to - do next is the best.

Pete took a deep breath and let it out. He sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the necklace in his hand. The necklace was off nothing special. Simple, plain and ordinary. But the pendant, is what Pete holds dear to himself. A mini heart - shaped locket, that is able to open up. Clearly displaying a picture of two person; two boys in their teenage years. Both leaning their back on the shelf, facing each other. One was buzy with a book in his hand meanwhile the other was captured looking at him with a paper heart in his hand.

Pete smiled a little. It may seem nothing but it is actually everything for him. Vegas might not have known about this either. He sighed for the nth time. Pete was pretty sure the black figure he saw earlier was Vegas. How ? Oh please ! Vegas could cover himself in 7 metres fabric and he would still be able to recognize him !

Was Vegas the one who found his necklace ? But... why was it with Kinn ? And why would Vegas help him when all this while all Vegas uttered to him was nothing but hate ?

C'mon Pete. You would never get the answer unless you walk out of that door and ask him yourself.

And so Pete walked out of his room. Entering the lift, pressing the button heading to Vegas's room with full determination to get an answer. Though he's trembling a little bit.


I can't help it. Pinterest ain't helping either😭 Too much ideas overflowing and I just want to write Vegas and Pete.🥹
Bear with me folks. As always... Comments and critics are all welcomed. Happy readinggg ! 🖤💙

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