The Devil's Trap

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Pete walks in into his favourite coffee house, greeted the waiter with a full face smile, flashing his dimples. Ordered in his regular go- to- coffee and a slice of cake together with his favourite cookies.

Content with his purchase he carried the paper bag with his left hand and grab the drink on the other hand. Giving a gesture of thank you and waving goodbye to the waiter, Pete walked out of the coffee house slurping his drink wondering how should he spent the rest of the day. Nothing came in his mind though.

The day is pretty sunny. Perfect for a getaway with friends or lovers. Not that Pete doesn't have friends, it's just that his friends are too buzy with their lovers and yes he doesn't have a lover. Yet. Dissapointed ? A little !

Whenever he walks pass by couples acting all lovey dovey, he couldn't help but wonder why doesn't he have a boyfriend till date. It's not like he doesn't have the look. Hell ! Pete knows he has secret admires everywhere he goes. Else why would there be a fanclub of him at the university ?

But Pete realized he was very much picky too. He would not settle for less. At least that is not how much he is worth for. He doesn't need someone who whispers eternity and promise him the world. He doesn't want gentle caresses, he wants more than that.

He needs someone who whispers sinful things to him. He needs someone who'll make him tremble not out of fear but out of pleasure. He does not only want a lover but his other half where he could share his salvation with.

And Pete still remembers when he tells that to Tankhun, all Tankhun replied was ; "If that's the case Pete, you need the devil himself."

Pete couldn't help but chuckle. Imagining how would he react if the devil literally descended from the hell and appear in front of him. Not that he would run. That's for sure !


Vegas has lived for long enough, and no one quite intrigued him like the little demon did. Well yes, Pete is his little demon ! The innocent doe eyes, puffy cheeks and pouty lips. Looking all tempting and alluring making him go crazy.

He had spent his nights with many before. But hell, nothing makes him wanting more like he wants Pete ! Nothing making him crave like he craves Pete. Imagining how Pete would look beneath him, breathless and whimpering while taking him full, Vegas couldn't help but wanting to have Pete by his side at this moment and never let him go.

Vegas been keeping an eye on Pete. Following him everywhere he goes. Keeping on tabs things he likes and doesn't.

Pete is his and so he could do anything to keep him away from leeches. A single flick of his thumb and middle finger is enough to make the leeches to be doomed. No one should touch what's his. Hell, scratch that ! No one should even dare to think to be with what's his.

He knew Pete dreamed of him.
He knew Pete imagined him.
But... he needs a little more time.
To arrange everything so that it would be perfect for Pete before he appears in front if him.

And right now, watching Pete falls into deep sleep, with his chest heaving up and down with a steady rythm Vegas promised himself that sooner or later, Pete will officialy be his.

His and only his !

Vegas Pete - To Whom I Belong ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon