Gosh, he's too motivated for my well being. 

"Good morning, piccoli. (Little ones)" He supports himself with gosh arms on the counter. "I wasn't expecting you yet. You have holidays. I would personally sleep in."

Nic and I just shrug. Sleeping in, is for us nearly impossible since the kidnapping. We should be awake by 2 a.m. each morning and went to bed at 10p.m. You didn't change habits so fast and we're lucky if we sleep for 7 hours in a night. 

"Never mind. If you're awake now, what can I get you? My food is probably not as good as Rics or Georgios-„ This caught my attention. 

"Georgio can cook?!"

Mario chuckles. "Oh yes. Very good indeed." He has to see our confused and surprised faces. "I know. He doesn't look like this type. Big, muscular, tattoos everywhere. But in the inside, he's such a softie. Don't tell that I exposed him."

"We can't promise anything." Nic says, surprisingly before me. Normally, he's quiet around other people, speaks only around everybody he's comfortable. Mario has to be one of them, which I can fully understand. He doesn't scream out this strict and spoilsport aura like nearly everybody else in this house. 

Mario smirks at Nic' comment. "Uhhh. Doesn't expect something else. So what do you want? What about pancakes?"

We nod dismissing. Mario makes within 5 minutes the pancakes and shoves the plates I'm formt of us. Damn it. What does he think I can eat? 5 big pancakes? At most one.
Luckily, I already took my medication and can begin to eat instantly. 

"Can we get our phones back? Angolo has to have them since we gave them him at the beach." I blurt out after some seconds of silence between us. 

"Oh yes. He told me. Wait." He disappears around the door to the living room before handing us the said phones. "Here."

We take them without one more look at him. There're blocked. Argh, assholes. We gave them our phone in trust and they tried to use it for their own advantage.
Our phones - equal to every other device from us - have a special software which is programmed the way to sense who using the device and for what. Even if the phone is unlocked, you can only use it if your DNA is saved and declared in it from us. Otherwise, the whole system shuts down immediately. Like now.
My facade gets cold again and my good mood disappears instantly. The most important thing everywhere - it doesn't matter whether it's in business or in private - is trust. Trust and loyalty. Trying to do something behind my back, is definitely the contrary from this. 

"What did you want from it?" I say coldly while unlocking my phone again. Mario looks surprisingly confused. 

"What do you mean?"

I roll my eyes at his stupidness and get instantly scold.
"No eyes rolling." Uh the serious Mario comes out again. 

"You know what I mean. You wanted to search trough our phone, don't you? Otherwise, it wouldn't be locked."

"Ah-" Mario chuckles suddenly again. "Now, I understand what you mean."
I think, I've never been more confused than now.

"Lorenzo and Ernesto literally went crazy after they just wanted to shut the contact app and suddenly the whole phone was black with this ... wonderful picture from you. It was really funny to see them so frustrated." Mario shakes his head at the memory. "Very funny. Very funny. Nevermind. I really don't know how this worked but good programming whoever it did."

I exchange a look with Nic, because somehow, on the one hand, I'm pretty sure that at least a bit of his story is a lie and complete bullshit, but on the other hand he sold it to us so good that a part of me believes him.
Normally , I have no problems in saying whether someone lies or not, but slowly I notice that the uncles and elder ones aren't as bad as I thought.

Double TroubleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin