Jungkook’s thoughts continue to race as he moves his hand in smooth motions to keep sharpening the utensil, hearing the grinding noise from the stone and blade slightly pull him from his thoughts. He remembers how he dreamt of Jimin the night he had gotten his first rut. In the dream, he pushed Jimin against the rough bark of an oak tree near his hut and kissed him senseless; the rest is like a blur. Jungkook woke up feeling confused and aroused, knowing and feeling something was different. Unable to stop thinking about Jimin, he felt a sense of longing he had never felt before.

Jimin's appearance in his rut dream has always made him resentful, but what's the real reason for that? For the first time, he wonders what triggered it. Jungkook allows himself to think further, to let thoughts bubble up freely, be they thoughts that make him wrinkle his nose or make the corners of his mouth turn up slightly. 

Yet, it leads him nowhere, and Jungkook realises he should talk to Jimin about this. He’s afraid of what Jimin will think of this. Will he call him crazy? What if he's not ready to be soulmates with Jimin? When did it begin that he feels so drawn to Jimin, and why does everything about the omega have to be so difficult to understand, like a riddle?

Frustrated that he cannot answer any of these questions, Jungkook growls and takes a deep breath of the cold, frostbitten winter air, trying not to lose composure. He's aware he has a lot to think about and needs to look for answers. But maybe, his answers are in the form of the pack healers, like his mother said.

The way Jimin reacted at the lake made him curious, and he started doubting what he knew about Jimin. In a way, it intrigued Jungkook to find out what kind of person the omega is today and what’s really behind all their push-and-pull games. Slowly, his hate faded and was replaced by something Jungkook had yet to figure out.

With the last rays of sunshine, the glitter of snow and the cosy warmth fade, too. Jungkook is lost in thought and trying to make sense of his feelings, when suddenly a deep and familiar voice calls out to him, causing him to startle and nearly drop the knife. “Jungkook! Come quickly, hurry! …Please!”

Jungkook perks up quickly enough to see Donghyun running towards him, panicked and out of breath. The alpha's face is as white as a sheet, and his eyes are wide open with concern swimming in them. Jungkook doesn't recognise him as the alpha he met in his hut. After all, the alpha seemed cold and arrogant, and appeared to care that he was in a hut that didn't belong to him. His scent is one of the kind that makes Jungkook scrunch his nose uncomfortably or want to hold it, especially now that his scent has turned sour. “Why? Where to?”

“I feel guilty about what is going to happen to Jimin. We have to hurry!” Donghyun is about to retreat, showing Jungkook the way. However, Jungkook's fingers glide around his wrist, which makes the alpha turn around, panic still visible in his appearance.

The mention of the omega's name has pricked Jungkook's attention; a bubbling feeling sits within his chest, but he can not pinpoint what this feeling is. Protectiveness, worry, concern? A growl leaves Jungkook's chest, and he feels his wolf clawing inside him. “Donghyun, what are you talking about? Why should I trust you?”

He rightly asked him why he should trust him, given that he had seemed anything but trustworthy to Jungkook lately. The secrecy when he saw him talking to Seoyeon in the forest or when Donghyun stood before him and pierced him with his gaze and yet said nothing else. Jungkook wanted to find out what they were talking about in his hut and also in the forest, but he never got close enough to hear bits of their conversations and truthfully, his thoughts were scattered all over the place. They were sly; he'll give them that.

Donghyun seems to give in when he sees Jungkook not letting go of him, front teeth nibbling on his lip and eyes darting everywhere but to Jungkook. A clammy palm rests on Jungkook's hand; his tense posture eases a little while he turns to him with a concerned expression and earnestness in his voice. “Someone is planning to hurt Jimin. You might not fully trust me, but you are the only one who can stop it from happening. Unless you see it with your own eyes, I’m sure you won't believe me anyway. I want to make up for having made wrong decisions before, and if I can do that by telling you, bringing you there and betraying the person I thought I had a chance with, then so be it.”

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