The Fool

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The Fool is the first card of the Major Arcana tarot deck. It is numbered with zero (0)- and it is giving unlimited potential. It doesn't have a specific place in the sequence of the Tarot cards.

The Fool can be placed at the beginning or at the end of the Major Arcana. The card represents the Fool's journey through life, therefore he needs no number.

On The Fool Tarot card, a young woman stands on the edge of the cliff. She is wearing a yellow dress and her feet are bare. She looks like the old life was left behind and all the strings attached to it. Her face is turning to the sky and consuming the bright sun. She is ready to step into the unknown and not look back.

UPRIGHT: new beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit

REVERSED: holding back, recklessness, risk-taking

The last shine from the sun came to the surface of the earth. The sky was surrounded by the bliss of the sunset. The light wind was howling, and in the distance, the dogs were barking. It was a warm day for the beginning of autumn, but not for Alice Green. This summer changed her in many unimaginable ways, and she will never be as she was before. The sun threw its last shades over the red walls of the apartment building's sounded.

Alice was sitting on the stairs in front of her mother's flat. Clenching feet to her belly. She was hiding behind her long, straight hazelnut hair. Tears were pouring down her face, no matter how hard she tried to stop them. She tried to wipe them off, and every time she did it, new tears came from her green eyes. Alice has never felt like this before. Her unwise decisions and recklessness brought her to this very moment. She couldn't believe how naïve she was.

Alice was just sixteen years old when her innocence was on trial. She couldn't fathom that love could hurt as much as it did just now. Alice felt as if her entire life was resting on her shoulders, and the light at the end of the tunnel appeared to be too far away. She got everything she could possible want three months ago, and now she feels lost. Her best friend had left; she had no one else to turn to, and her mother couldn't understand what she was going through. She had felt different before, but now she could only feel pain. Her irresponsibility had gotten her to this point. She couldn't believe how naive she was.

"I was such a fool; how could I have trusted him?" she thought to herself.

It was the last few days of August, and it was a few days before she started her last year in secondary school. She couldn't imagine how college would be. Becoming an architect was everything she ever wanted. She had been to summer drawing classes, and she enjoyed creating new buildings. Her thinking was a bit abstract, but the drawings were beautifully done, and teachers told her she was above her time. She got many prizes at summer camps, and she decided to make a living out of her passion. The only obstacle was finding out she was expecting a baby.


Alice had a great time in high school. She had a gang of nerdy pals who saved her from the school lunch bullies. Nadia was Alice's best friend; she moved from Ukraine a few years ago and they hit it off immediately away.

Nadia was a stunning blond with blue eyes. Her looks was appealing to the boys, but she struggled with the language. As a result, she was uneasy and had low self-esteem. Her first few years in high school were awful, and she was mostly by herself.

A few weeks later, she ran across Alice, who was sitting alone under a tree not far from school. Alice was reading and eating her lunch alone. Nadia gradually approached Alice.

"Sorry... i.. khm.. Nadia." She placed her hand on her chest to introduce herself.

"Bother, you?" she added.

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