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Guests are singing happy birthday Morgan and Zhuri face them. Morgan with a purple cake Zhuri with yellow. They go to blow out the candles.

MORGAN-(v.o) birthdays traditionally they're a time of celebration a moment to reflect on who you are who you were and where you're going.

ZHURI-(v.o) and when it's your 18th birthday the moment takes on a whole new meaning. It's the first step into adulthood.

MORGAN- (v.o) but in that moment all I really wanted to do was be a kid one last time.

Morgan looks through the crowd.

MORGAN- Did Neal really not come?

KENT- He left you a gift and said he's sorry but he can't make it.

MORGAN- how could he not make birthday and I leave tonight?

KENT- I'm sorry.


Young Morgan Neal Tavon Taylor and Zhuri sit in class.

TEACHER- Okay who wants to present next?

Morgan raises her hand.

TEACHER- Morgan.

MORGAN- (V.O) This was the first time I was ever excited about anything regarding school, the assignment was easy I could do whatever I want. Where will you be when you turn eighteen. But I was kinda nervous reading in front of the class.

YOUNG MORGAN- (reading from a sheet of paper) when I turn eighteen. I'm going to be a princess with lots dresses and cute shoes. I'm going to travel to space and eat on the moon and I'm going party and dance non stop where I will meet a Prince and fall in love and live happily ever after.

Neal smiles and is the only really listening.

TEACHER- Great job thank you Morgan.

Morgan takes her seat. Taylor nudges Neal

NEAL- (clearing his throat) Morgan.

Morgan looks at him.

NEAL- great paper.

MORGAN- thanks.

NEAL- like really great I liked the space part.

Morgan laughs.

TAVON- seriously?


ZHURI (V.O) I wanted to raise my hand so bad but I hate reading in front the class people staring at me especially reading something as embarrassing as this.

Zhuri looks down at her paper: When I turn eighteen I want change the world.

ZHURI-(v.o) How can I think I'll be changing the world when I can't even raise my hand in class?

TEACHER- Mr.Banks?

TAVON- I didn't raise my hand.

TEACHER- did you do the assignment or not?

TAVON- nah.

Zhuri looks at him.

ZHURI-(V.O) I use to wonder why he was so mean always acting out.

TEACHER- Well that's another detention for you and you can take this note home to your parents.

TAVON- so to nobody?

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