Chapter 1 - The White Room

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It's been many months since I was first here. In this white room.

I've long since chosen to forget about it, to call it a dream manifested from relentless fatigue and an over-active mind. But tonight, I was just starting to drift off when my body grew restless, my surroundings shifted and my eyes opened to reveal a room of creamy white.

I am standing. In this white room. Whisks of pale-grey mist curling at each edge so that the whole expanse seems almost cloud-like. And just as it happened last time, I reach out my hand as if to touch that mist when a deep male voice calls out.

"So, we meet again." Helion.

Turning around, I incline my head. "Hello, hello."

The High Lord of the Day Court scans the room, searching for the one who dragged us both here. Alas. It seems we must wait in anticipation.

So, I say, "It's been a while."


Silence. Silence like that of the Fae. This room blocks all senses--I cannot hear beyond our own beating hearts and heavy breathing, I cannot smell beyond our own scents, I cannot taste anything beyond my dry throat and tongue. Several moments pass until I open my mouth, prepared to break this unending silence. However, before my lips can form a word, a door creaks open.

Alongside Helion, I whip my head towards the far edge of the room in time to see a golden-haired female step through a door forged of the cloud-like mist.

There it is again. That baggy mid-thigh-length white shirt. Those arguably scandalous shorts which do nothing to hide her long, bare legs. And bare feet.

Ocean eyes. Round ears.

My mate.

I immediately winnow forward but it seems Helion has beaten me to it. Having already approached the door, he takes Alexandra's hand, bends to kiss it, and winks at her. Alex's cheeks flash red and she goes to hide her face in her hands.

Before she can hide that endearing embarrassment and those captivating ocean eyes, I step forward to wrap a hand around my mate's waist and pull her into my embrace. Squeezing tightly, I realise she isn't wearing a bra and can feel everything as she presses against me. Something primal within me stirs as I kiss Alexandra's forehead--which only makes her face flare brighter--and then step back, smiling.

My mate.

Alexandra's mouth opens and closes, like a gaping fish. Helion tracks the movement, as do I, and I wonder if she notices our eyes darken. In a way that only a Faerie's eyes can.

Finally, she musters the courage to speak. "I don't think I'll ever get used to your winnowing."

Helion smirks. "Good. I like watching you squirm." Alexandra lets out an embarrassed sound to which he only smiles wider, but beneath all that swaggering arrogance, I know his instincts are itching at him to take. To claim.

As if noting that shift, perhaps through intuition, and the dire need for a distraction, Alexandra clicks her fingers. In the centre of the white room appear three armchairs and a small table holding a bottle of wine--much to my delight.

No glasses in sight. Only the bottle.

Alexandra is the first to throw herself into the furthest chair, her tits bouncing with the movement. Settling into the chair, she drapes her bare legs over one arm and leans against the other. It does nothing to quell the instincts rising within me. Nor Helion's.

Once we are all seated, she grabs the bottle of wine, still in her side-facing position and takes a swig. Then, passing the bottle to me, she says to Helion, "How's being a High Lord?"

The High Lord shrugs, his powerful muscles rippling with the movement. "Busy. Full of politics. Not much room for alone time, so to speak."

Ignoring the obvious innuendo, Alexandra asks, "How are the Pegasuses?"

He chuckles lightly. "Good. I'll take you on a ride one day if you want."

Helion passes the bottle back to Alexandra and she drinks again before handing it to me while licking the excess off her lips. Her pink very-kissable lips. "Thanks. I'd like that."

"It's a date."

She smiles at him and jealousy pools in my gut, but I brush it off and pass the wine to Helion, following the informal circle. "How's school going?"

Alexandra turns her smile to me--that wild unapologetic smile--and I think my heart skips a beat. "Good. Busy. Lots of study. How' going?"

I am still not entirely sure that she knows what I do as court overseer but I answer anyway. "Work's busy. Nyx is a good distraction. He's growing up so quickly."

Alexandra gasps and shifts in the chair, leaning forward. "How old is he now?"

How old is he now? Interesting wording...

"He's five months and change."

She gasps again, then giggles, the wine apparently already taking effect. "It's been five months since I saw you last, which means..." She holds a hand to her mouth and stands abruptly. "O-M-G. It's two weeks until the crossover!"

Helion and I exchange a confused look.

Sitting in the chair again, she leans forward and purses her lips, all serious-like. "This doesn't really concern you Helion, but you know how you're both from a book series?"

We nod, listening intently.

"Well, in the book, six months following Nyx's birth, something happens." She pauses, holding a hand to her stomach and giggling.

"What?" Helion demands and I shoot him a glare. Give her a chance, she's tipsy.

Sober enough to note his impatience, Alexandra stops giggling and says, "In two weeks, a half-human girl will arrive at the Night Court. Her name is Bryce. She is from Sarah's other book series. Hence, a crossover."

I raise my brows. "Does that mean the girl--Bryce--will arrive in the same world I come from?" I should probably be more surprised by the thought of a future intruder, but given that I have only recently discovered my mate was a human from another world and that I am a fictional character there...This Bryce girl can be dealt with.

Alexandra nods. "If you want, I can give you a copy of the book she derives from. Might be helpful in knowing what to expect."

"Thank you. That would be very helpful." We smile at each other and once again, I am rendered breathless by her shimmering beauty.

My mate.

Helion claps his hands together. "Now that that's settled...Is there a reason you brought us here today, Alex?" He winks suggestively and for what seems like the thousandth time, Alexandra blushes.

Spinning the bottle in her hands, distracted with reading the label, she drawls, "Well..."

Sup readers!

I was reading over the first Fanfic I wrote about Morrigan and all the wonderful comments you left me, and decided to write a sequel. I hope you enjoy!

Smut will probably appear at some point - if that's why you're here...naughty! I get it, though.

Farewell for now :)

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