Henrik: it's no problem Nik. Tell everyone I said hello, and I'll talk to you all later, everyone is getting up for the breakfast that our sweetheart just finished for me.

Nik: ok, good bye.

After he hung up, he walked to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped mine around the back of his neck, and he leaned me against the counter, placing his forehead on mine.

"Good morning, love birds!" Jenna exclaimed. Jeremy groaned, walking out. He is not as much of a morning person as we are.

I grab his specialty coffee mug from the cabinet and I pour some coffee in it, before setting it down in front of him. I love seeing the smile on his face as he sees his coffee. After he lets a couple of scalding sips slide down his throat, he finally gets up from his stool to give me a hug.

"Good morning, thank you for the coffee." He told me, causing me to smile and hug him back.

"So today, we actually have a new thing on the agenda. It's story time, Jerbear and Lena I already called the school and told them you won't be coming in today." I explained.

"What? Why? Is everything ok?" Jenna asked, frantically checking me over as if she will find a massive blood spot or something. So I grasped her arm just under her elbows and looked her in the eyes.

"We all need to have a talk, everything is fine as of right now. I just need to call someone and we can begin when he gets here." I told her, my thumb rubbing on her arm gently, trying to ease her worries a bit. I nodded at Henrik and stepped outside to call Stefan, it only took three rings for him to answer.

Stefan: Hey, Honey! What's going on?

Me: Hey, we need to tell Elena about the supernatural, do you want to come over for this, or do you want me to not tell her about you?

Stefan: I'll come over, I'll be there in a bit.

When we hung up, I turned around to find everyone staring at me except Henrik who was busying himself by putting doing dishes from breakfast and Jeremy who is just drinking his coffee. When I step through the door, the questioning glances don't stop.

"Who is coming over? What do we need to talk about? Oh my God you're pregnant, aren't you?" Elena spits out all at once, causing me to start laughing.

"No I'm not pregnant, everything is fine. We just need to wait for our guest to arrive. Come on, let's go sit on the couch and wait." I told her, so we all go and sit on the couch and talk about life and little things until stefan got there and rang the door bell.

"I'll be right back." I told them. I got up, and went to the door. When I came back with Stefan, her eyebrows shot up and her jaw dropped a bit.

"Hello everyone. I am Stefan Salvatore." Stefan shyly states, with a slight wave of his hand.

"What are you doing here, Stefan?" Elena finally gets out.

"He is here to join in on our talk." I explained vaguely.

"Oh great, group sex talk?" Jeremy jokingly guessed, causing everyone except me to sputter and choke, while me and Jeremy laughed.

"W-what?" Stefan asked, his eyes getting wide and you could see the heat flowing up on Stefan and Elena's cheeks as they both look at the floor.

The Gilbert WitchOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora