Getting The Necklace Back

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Mindy wakes up in the cave, confused seeing her cool rocky walls, driftwood bed and LEGS? Then it all came back to her, Whiff, Koilee, losing her locket but it's going to be okay because she has a plan! She walked over to the boardwalk carnival and met up with Whiff and Koillee she pulled Whiff aside ''Can you give Koillee the same day of fun that you gave me yesterday.'' ''Why?'' ''Because I actually have a plan and that plan relies on Koillee enjoying her first roller coaster experience.'' Mindy snuck around the park riding some of the rides like the ancient wooden coaster they made out of spare boardwalk wood, Great Onion Twist and if anything it twisted her spine but in a fun exciting way. She also rode the Jellyroll 20X6 and then when she got off the ride, Whiff was on Swing Of The Century and winked at Mindy to let her know the plan was going well. Mindy knew she only had a small amount of time so she planted herself as a passenger on the Sky Ninja, a few cars behind Koillee and Whiff. Just as expected the two boarded the coaster and Mindy saw Koilee's necklace fall off. Koilee and Whiff went off in a hurry while Mindy stayed behind while a crew member placed some of the recent findings from the nets in the Sky Ninja lost and found box. Mindy fished out the necklace and claimed it. Then near sunset, there was a loud shriek at the tippy top of the ferris wheel ''WHERE IS IT? WHERE IS MY NECKLACE?'' 

Mindy gave a satisfied smirk from backstage while Koilee was fuming getting off the ride and Whiff took her to the stage ''Maybe a little live music will help forget all our troubles.'' Mindy appeared on stage with her microphone ''Hello Koilee, looking for this?'' ''YOU SNEAKY LITTLE B-'' ''Koilee, I have something to confess, I was in on the plan and I never loved you. I know Mindy like I know the shores of Oniontown, you will never find anyone as kind, trusting and someone I would enjoy spending the rest of my life with. Mindy, my darling sea maiden, will you- ''Marry me?''- I was going to say be my girlfriend.'' ''That works too!'' Then Mindy addressed the crowd ''And now, Mindy the magical mermaid, will perform her next trick, make this pink pearl of transformation disappear!'' She opened the locket, held out to pearl for everyone to see and swallowed it. ''NO!'' Koilee left for the sea, defeated as she could no longer claim Mindy's soul without the pearl.  

Whiff and Mindy went to the boardwalk to gaze up at the stars, Mindy took her locket and reached for some pink coral growing near the boardwalk pillars. She put the coral in the locket dunked the locket in sea water and then while holding the locket in her left hand, her hand glowed pink and she crushed the silver heart locket into a cute lightning bolt charm for her new necklace. One not made of a deal with a sea witch but a promise made of love. She took Whiff by the hand and said ''Feet to fins, legs to tail'' Her whole body and Whiff's hand glowed pink and the two transformed into mermaids. Swimming down to the mermaid civilization unknown to Whiff until a few days ago and knocked onto the door. Mindy's mom cried tears of joy upon seeing her daughter again. ''Hi mom, this is my new boyfriend Whiff, Whiff this is my mom but you can call her Vicky.''

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