Fun Fair On The Boardwalk

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Mindy positioned her feet precariously on a large smooth rock, the surface of the ocean within arm's reach, she jumped up off the rock, flicked her hair back and transformed with the rising sun. She met Whiff near the cave ''Hey Mindy, you know a carnival opened up in town and they've got some awesome rides sponsored by Powder Point Amusement Park!'' ''Wow! I've never been to the boardwalk carnival, let's go!'' The two ran giggling like school children until they reached the front gate where they stared in amazement at the Sky Ninja where significant parts of it went over the ocean. Whiff paid for both of their passes and they entered the park. Upon seeing the size of the Sky Ninja up close, all those turns and conversions, Mindy remembered Koilee's warning about the cost of losing the pearl. ''Hey Whiff, maybe we can go on the nice easy rides to start out like the carousel.'' ''Alright, just stay away from the games, a lot of them are rigged.'' The two went on the aquarium themed carousel, Whiff got to ride the dolphin and Mindy rode the orange seahorse, which made her reminisce about when she was younger and learned how to ride a seahorse for her 6th birthday. Then the two went on the swing of the century, which was another easy ride. Mindy decided to go on the Mild Mouse ride but turns out it wasn't that mild because the car in front of her was shouting expletives on the way down, it was a bunch of band kids on a field trip. The rapid turning of the ride car and the short drops was certainly memorable. 

Whiff decided to take Mindy to ride the Sky Ninja, the speed, the airtime was incredible. On the way down from the first drop Mindy yelled ''I want to go home!'' then through the rest of the ride she tried to scream but couldn't. So many twists, sharp turns and a massive loop de loop with a net underneath for all the watches, bracelets, necklaces, sunglasses, cash and cell phones that would fly from pockets and off people. Mindy briefly saw a silver and pink locket necklace falling in midair on the way down from the loop. She thought nothing of it until on the ferris wheel watching the sunset, Whiff was about to kiss her! She applied the coral blue number 3 semigloss lipstick she bought at the gift shop. It was lucky that the boardwalk's makeup shop accepted sand dollars as legal currency. Mindy sat, eyes shut, lipstick on and ready for a kiss from her one true love, but nothing. She opened her eyes and saw Whiff staring at her necklace. ''Whiff, is everything alright?'' ''Did you forget to wear your locket necklace today?'' Mindy felt where her locket that allowed her transformation usually was, she felt her own warm skin instead of cold metal. Her locket with the pearl was gone and panic was imminent.

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