"It must be hard coming back after all those years." He said it clearing his throat trying to move on from the book.

I looked up at him seeing him looking thoughtfully at the sky, I looked back at the sky after staring at him a moment. I smiled softly at Kakashi's words. "It's only been three.... I just feel a lot older than the last time I saw you... I even got taller." I half joked, then sighed. " I think it is odd how time moves differently sometimes..." I whispered.

He didn't look away from the sky as he answered. "yes... you have in only 3 years..." He said it in almost a whisper. "Time is a strange thing." He added.

I smirked at him, "and you Kakashi haven't aged a day." I complimented him trying to lighten the mood.

He waved his hand at me like a fan while holding his face. "Oh stop it, you're making me blush."

I laughed, "oh shut up" I rolled my eyes but was glad that his smile did reach his eyes even though I couldn't see it.

He chuckled. "Well here we are." He announced.

I frowned, "not much of a walk but oh well...." I folded my arms taking in the training area. It looked much like the last time but there was a bit more overgrowth from the forest.

He frowned, "sorry". He looked like he had wanted to say something else but didnt.

I rolled my eyes pushing him lightly. "stop saying sorry." He rubbed the back of his head.

"Naruko! Kakashi!" I saw Sakura and Naruto a little bit away.

"Hi guys!" I waved and jogged over to them.

"Sorry about last night." Sakura said it laughing a bit. She didn't hesitate to jump into it.

I shrugged, "it's alright...I just hope ino is alright." I thought of the yelling match they had gotten into.

She nodded, "she is fine...." She told me, smiling a little.

I clapped my hands, "so who thinks they got stronger?" I asked.

Sakura put her hand into a fist holding it up, "I know I have, no one is going to mess with me!" She had flames in her eyes, and Kakashi laughed nervously.

Naruto howled, "I have and you know it! I might not be able to beat Naruko! But she is strong! So I know I can beat kakashi!" Everyone looked unimpressed at that.

Sakura looked at me, "So what do you think Naruko?" She asked, looking me up and down.

I smiled, "oh I feel bad for kakashi." I half joked looking over at him.

Sakura looked at Kakashi confused and Kakashi wore a similar look.

Naruto looked nervous after I said that. Kakashi and Sakura seemed to notice, which confused them. "What's wrong, Naruto?" Kakashi asked it.

"Let's just say she scares me more than the old lady.... Jiraiya said she has u-" I covered his mouth.

"Naruto you're going to mess it up! Don't just blurt out your strengths and weaknesses otherwise you're just an open book." I told him in a threatening voice. He did that all the time, it annoyed me.

Naruto nodded, and I stepped away from him. I slipped my gloves on. "I don't know how I am going to do, but I don't think I can hold back." I said it truthfully.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "All this talk, let's see how you do."He pulled out three bells and tied them to his waist. He looked at all thinking for a moment.

Naruto glared at him, disappointed. "very original! Why are we playing this stupid bell game." He snapped while me and Sakura got ready to fight.

"Because I choose that's why." He lifted up his headband showing his other eye.

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