Chapter 8: Traitor

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A/N: I stayed up until 2 AM (I think? It might've been 3 now that I think about it) to finish writing this. Enjoy.


Time seems like it's frozen all of a sudden. I can't move a single part of my body, I can only stare at Zane. He stares back, his dark brown eyes wide with horror. I can see red lipstick faintly smeared around his mouth, from Olivia no doubt. This can't be happening...

Zane's cheating on Jules.

"I..." Zane stammers. He swallows, looking back and forth between me, Olivia, and Caden. "I swear I can explain--" He's talking way too fast.

"Don't." Caden cuts him off. I glance over at him, he's glaring at Zane. He shakes his head and forces out an obviously fake laugh. "This is why you've been avoiding us, huh? 'Cause of her?" He motions angrily towards Olivia, who's staring at him with a smirk.

"You cheated on Jules." I glare at him, still in disbelief.

Zane stares at me helplessly, shaking his head. "No, no...that's not...I wouldn't..." He trails off, looking absolutely crushed. There's no point for him in trying to defend himself, we caught him red-handed.

Olivia looks over her shoulder at him, then looks back at us and rolls her eyes. "Oh, come on, this seriously can't be that shocking. I mean, have you seen Jules? Such a stuck-up bitch. Zane deserves so much better than that." She says casually, picking at her nails.

Her words fuel my anger more. "A stuck-up bitch," she calls Jules. She's got no place to talk. That ugly little smirk, how I'd love to reach up and slap it right off her face.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I shouldn't be wasting my time arguing with them. "Caden?" I look over at him. He's still glaring at Zane, but he moves his head a little to let me know that he's listening. "We gotta find Jules, come on." I don't bother waiting for his answer. I start walking towards the back door, when I feel a pair of hands grab my hair and pull me back.

"You're not going anywhere, you little bitch." Olivia snarls, tugging roughly on my hair and sending a wave of pain coursing through my scalp. I reach up and grab her wrists, trying my hardest to push her away. She grabs one of my wrists and pulls me face down onto the wooden planks. I let out a pained shout as she roughly twists my arm.

"Hey, get the hell off her, you crazy bitch!" I hear Caden yell. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him start to run over, but Zane grabs him and pulls him back. They start yelling at each other, and Zane suddenly swings a fist at him, striking him just below his eye. Before I can even process what happened, the two of them are hitting each other. I can't help but gasp as Zane shoves Caden down, striking him over and over again while he feebly tries to block the hits.

"Let me go!" I struggle to free myself, gritting my teeth as her grip on my wrist tightens. She lets out a cruel laugh, as if enjoying my suffering, and crouches down beside me.

"You really thought you could talk to me like that and get away with it? God, I can't believe how stupid you are." Her grip on her wrist tightens. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to slow my breathing. I feel her push up the sleeve of my flannel. What the hell is she doing? "Ooh, check out those scars. Who would've guessed the dyke is a cutter?" She mocks me, laughing again.

"Ow, ow! Stop!" I plead as she digs her sharp nails into my wrist. A burning pain spreads across my skin like a wildfire, the pain of my scars becoming fresh all over again. Tears fill my eyes as I continue helplessly struggling. If I make one wrong move, some serious damage could be done...

I glance up, my vision blurred by my tears. Zane has Caden pinned down, but isn't hitting him anymore. I think I can see his mouth moving. What is he saying? My ears are ringing so loudly, it blocks out every other sound. Will someone come to our aid? We haven't been inside in a while, the girls must be wondering where we are. I'm losing the energy to keep fighting, the pain in my wrist hurts like hell.

Bulletproof Love (GxG)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon