Meanwhile at the indoor pools...

"I wonder if they proceeded well with the cleaning outside," V said, clearly worried since the ones assigned outside aren't exactly the ones who would diligently complete a task except for Aurene and Gustang. "Mr. Shin should've known not to mix some people in a group..."

"Why didn't all the girls get assigned together?" Hana sobbed, though she still helped V scraping at the slippery tiles of the pool.

A rather hyper female whined back, throwing away the hose she'd been assigned to hold onto, "Ahhh!! I wanna have fun with Aurene outside!!"

"Yurin! You're spraying waters everywhere!"


A pouting Eduan and a rather pissed Jahad brushed over the wide pool after being bonked and scolded by none other than a fuming Aurene, their water guns confiscated by Gustang.

'Work first! Play later!' the two brunettes exclaimed, Hon only staring at the whole ordeal, clapping silently. Eduan swore he saw a smirk from that usually passive white man.

"Damn this cleaning..." Eduan dragged the brush half-heartedly, until he accidentally pushed a soap, visibly a little worn after being used at the vast pool. "Oho~?" With a cheeky smirk, he passed the soap towards Jahad who easily stopped the rectangular object, glaring at Eduan.


It was as if there was a silent communication between them as they both nodded, and started passing around the soap as if they were playing ice hockey.

"Hey, Aurene and Gustang's gonna get mad if you keep playing around..." Hon half-heartedly trailed. He honestly doesn't care if his two friends get scolded, but he'd rather not being dragged into their mess. He wanted to only get onto Aurene's good side, after all.

"Hon, it's coming your way!" Jahad warned with a voice full of authority, making the white swordsman raise his brush as an automatic reflex, and swung his brush like a sword.

Making the soap broke into two pieces with a clean cut.

"Whoa! Nice one, Hon! More pucks in the game!" Eduan cheered, sliding and stealing one piece as he called over to Jahad to continue their game.

Now it was his turn to crouch and lament over his action that made the two troublemakers even more hyper than before. "What did I do... What if Aurene sees this-"

A shadow suddenly loomed over Hon who looked up, only to see a grim and serious Eduan looking down on him. "Hmmm~ You sure are worried about her thoughts."

Jahad only watched from afar as he waited for Eduan who suddenly halted the game. He didn't exactly know what Eduan was whispering to Hon, but surprisingly, Hon went over to Jahad, looking a little fired up than anything.

'What the heck did that casanova said to Hon to make him like this?' But he could only guess and thus, their game continued with an amused sleepyhead watching and Tperie recording the whole fiasco.

"Kids sure have a lot of energy on this hot day."

"Nah, it's just those idiots, Mr. Shin," Tperie replied, trailing his camera to the puck flying in a dangerously fast pace, until Jahad hit the soap a bit too forceful that it went past Eduan-

"Watch out, Aurene!!" Eduan shouted in time for the startled girl to duck from the attack but not the other person.

Uh oh...

Everyone, including Tperie who focused his camera on the scene, stared in horror as the puck hit Gustang square in his face, right in the middle of his glasses-which left a horrifying crack on both of the lenses. As if time had undergone a slow-motion phase, every eye followed the puck where it fell to the ground with a 'tak!'.

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