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"But Mom!!". "What I said is said! You can't change my words!" My mom harshly spatted her words at me.

"I don't care mom! I love music so I'll do a major in it, in University once I get graduated orelse I'll give audition in entertainments to become a trainee and to debut in a group! That's my aim and passion! I swear I can go any far to achieve it!" As a return, I spat my words at her and was about to leave when she said "If you can go far for your passion means then go far away from us too and that's my final words"

For a second my whole world stopped hearing to her words as tears welled up in my eyes and a single teardrop slipped out of it. I ranaway from there, My legs ran and ran and ran and ran without knowing where it's leading me to in that late-night as
I bumped into my........

F A T E ?

Yeah it's none other than you...!
You are my fate..!

"Zaiva? What happened? Why you are crying? Where are you running in this late night?" You started to attack me with so many questions once you saw me crying. Pure sadness plastered on your face.
But why...?
Is it because I am sad?

"Zaiva! Please answer me for god's sake!"
You impatiently waited for me to answer as I narrated the story that happened in my house.


Tears didn't wanted to stay still as it again started to flow out of my eyes. You cupped my cheek as you stared deeply into my soul. "No matter what zaiva! I'll support you to my death!"
You said when you're eyes were sparkling with pure love.

I wondered why I'm feeling the butterfly war again in my abdomen! Am I falling in love with you......?

you leaned in and pecked my lips as i felt the heat rushing towards my cheek and also my heart started to beat wildly against my chest.

My cheeks tainted with a warm shade of pink when for a assurance you whispered again "No matter what! I'll always support you"

Isn't this is another 'Reason To Love'?


You'll always support me! No matter what and that's a cute reason to love you.......

Isn't it?

18 Reasons To Love Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora