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It's been 15 minutes since I have been trying to solve the integration problem but I couldn't able to. I sighed at the sight of you solving the last problem from that excercise.

You started to do the excercise with me but after 15 minutes you ended up solving the last problem while I'm still stuck at the first problem being dumb struck.

I sighed for the nth time and at last your attention turned towards me. "Finished the exercise?" You asked me raising your right eyebrow but damn lord what can I reply, I didn't even solved the first problem.........

"You still stuck at the first problem?" You questioned after going through my notes.
"I- it's ju-just i- dont" I didn't knew what to answer and so this time you sighed saying "it's ok I'll teach you how to do it!". "But Taehyun I can't cuz I suck at math" I fake cried earning a chuckle from you.

Not gonna lie! You always looked ethereal whenever you laughed or smiled......
And that dimple of yours made it more ethereal

"You'll ace it in the exams! Believe me cuz I believe you!"

Again you made me flustered by your words.
No they are not only words but also my emotions.....

"Ok so this one is really easy...." You started to teach me, interrupting my thoughts and soon I too focused on the problem.

Soon you finished teaching and I started to do the problems by myself but
Those words kept ringing in my ear...

Believe me! Cuz.........

'I Believe You'

Is This is also a 'Reason to love'?


You Believe me that's a valuable reason to love you....

Isn't it?

18 Reasons To Love Where stories live. Discover now