"You're going to be away for 2 weeks? I heard it from Junkyu hyung," Doyoung suddenly said as soon as he walked out of the CEO's office.

"You startled me!" Jihoon scolded.

"Chill, hyung," Doyoung said. "So, we won't have a leader for 2 weeks?"

"It's not like you'll go anywhere as a group. If you did, there's Junkyu or Jaehyuk who can lead you guys well," Jihoon said.

"You already picked your replacement?" Doyoung said.

"Can you not twist my words like that?" Jihoon asked.

"I'm joking. Why are you being bitter? Is it because you're going to miss us because you won't see us for 2 weeks?" Doyoung asked. "Ah. It's not that. It's Hyunsuk hyung, right?"

"Why did you call him Hyunsuk hyung?" Jihoon asked.

"He asked me to call him that. Don't you call him Hyunsuk hyung as well?" Doyoung asked. How did Doyoung get close to Hyunsuk? And how the hell Hyunsuk let Doyoung call him like that? Jihoon remembered that Hyunsuk didn't let him call him hyung before because they're not that close. But Jihoon was persistent and kept calling him that making the older Omega just natural went with it. But he clearly remembers Hyunsuk telling him not to call him hyung before. But he asked Doyoung to call him hyung? That's unfair.

It's him who's close to Hyunsuk first before Doyoung. And how did Doyoung get close to Hyunsuk well enough that the older Omega to personally asked him to call him that?

"Oh! Our leader who won't be leadering for 2 weeks," Junkyu suddenly said when he saw Doyoung and Jihoon.

"Leadering? Is that even a word, hyung?" Doyoung asked.

"Who cares," Junkyu said. He looked at Jihoon. "Someone really booked a successful era, I guessed. Why don't you not look as happy as I thought you would? Are you sick or something? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"It's because of Hyunsuk hyung," Doyoung whispered but loud enough for Jihoon to hear.

"7Chill hyung-nim? Ah. Because you won't see him for 2 weeks?" Junkyu asked. "I'm pretty sure that he didn't even miss you a little bit,"

"Hyung. You're cruel," Doyoung said.

"It's true, right. Park Jihoon. Remember that you have been telling me your non-existent relationship problem to me almost every day. I know what's going on between you and your Hyunsuk hyung. It was clear to me that he probably didn't even care if you're here or not. Didn't you say that he didn't even plan to give you any chance?" Junkyu asked. "But it's you who want to keep on trying. So you have to bear with it. It will be hard and probably hurt. The outcome is still unpredictable. He might and probably also won't care about you at the end of the day. But this is still your choice. And it's the process of you to improve as an artist as well. Then, endure it,"

"Why did it sound like you're telling Jihoon hyung to give up?" Doyoung asked.

"I didn't, Kim Doyoung. Instead, I asked him to endure it because I want him to keep trying hard and going forward with his choice. I saw his schedule earlier. There's an additional at least one hour of dance practice even though he's filming and he needs to record and upload the video," Junkyu said. "It's not easy and it would probably very tiring since Housemate is almost like 24 hours filming type of variety show,"

"It is? I'm feeling tired already just by hearing it," Doyoung said.

"Yeah. They told me to record my dance practice everyday," Jihoon said. "What to do? Like Junkyu said. This is my choice,"

"But seriously, Jihoon. I'll be praying for your success for real. I can already see you're going to win the rookie entertainer of the year award this year," Junkyu said. "But yeah. You probably need to sacrifice a lot to reach it. Things will get hard and probably unbearable sometimes. Don't forget that you still have us. You have T5 with you. Jeongwoo can be your listener too. He probably acted childish and needed parental guidance most of the time but he's quite a mature guy, you know? Even Junghwan too. He's really mature now,"

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