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paleo nexus, claire pov:

the girl, Claire Ruina Unia, the ragna-mail pilot now exiting her ragna-mail to see that a little girl is standing there with a smug look on her face, with a chocolate-flavored lollipop...

claire: a little girl?...

she took a closer look at the girl, seeing that she had an oversized coat hung over her shoulders like a cape, as she is keeping a smug look on her face...

Nika: so is it me or the sun's blocking my eyes out today?

claire: u-ummm...are you lost kid?

ryuri: akid...are you kidding me!? i am nika! the captain and headmistress of this academy... breaking common sense, where she is somehow able to run a whole starship, or is it possible because of the piloting abilities of the little girl...

claire: wait , y-you're the headmistress of this ...ship

ryuri: right! so you were the one that came out of that anomaly huh?

claire: i was ordered to, as my leader said so!

ryuri: so? what brings you here?...we're not pirates, this is an academy that salvages broken-down mobile suits, and possibly a Gundam if we're lucky...

claire:'re saying mobile suit and gundam as if they're different...are you saying i fought a gundam and won!?

ryuri: From the security actually did it! the ragna-mail suddenly realized that she had defeated a Gundam straight into the same portal she has came out of...

claire: i fought a gundam and won...

ryuri: not after you frosted him up, and don't you care how expensive getting one is!?

claire: so what is it do you want?

ryuri: i told you!...we salvage things so everyone won't get in their trouble remembering old mobile suits!...heck even mobile armors and gundams too!

claire; that's illegal! it's piracy!

ruri: Not as piracy as you screaming that you wanted to go serve some guy openly like an obvious maniac!

claire: So? are you saying that i am lying huh?

 ryuri: Well all I'm doing here is calling out the tropes...yeah, the portal must've screwed with ya!

claire: n-no! i want to complete what i started, and report back!

ryuri: So you wanted to go back to where you came from huh? just have to fight me to do just that!

...this took Claire by surprise, as she had to fight her, a little girl who had gotten some pirate academy that stole and salvaged mobile suits...

ryuri: If you're ready, and totally not a chicken...I'll go wait for you in the arena!... Oh! And we need to go look for the missing gundam and the pilot too!

...the little girl now ran out to the arena, as she needed to get her ragna-mail all fixed up to get ready for the fight so she could leave back in the starship with an academy attached...with the hopes of defeating what might defeat Ryuri, the younger than usual headmistress who challenged the girl for the right for her own freedom to go back through the other side of the portal...

claire: alright! i will defeat you and go back home!

...she is glad that her Ragna-mail is still in one piece and that she might be able to use her freezing bullets the next time a mobile suit might come up to disable them...

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