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now in the same sewer where he has been spending his whole week working on a little junior mobile suit with the scrap metal that floated on top of the water, and many parts that came from the cars that were impounded and taken with the help of his gundam...

datz; Well hopefully the laws on stolen cars are light...heheh...

...he continued to work on his junior mobile suite when he soon heard a strange beeping that might as well is going to driven him a bit crazy as he stopped working on the mobile suite junior...the thing that he had been spending his time on so he could cover it up to avoid revealing his gundam...

dartz: alright! this isn't funny anymore!

...she snapped his fingers thinking that making a newer sound might give him a new thing to focus on in the long run...

dartz: neh!? what ...what is that thing!?

...he snapped his fingers and he then noticed that he was now seeing what looked like some sort of E-mail sent do him in the form of mana just like that of a hologram...

dartz: eh!? his eyes almost popped when he unknowingly accepted it to see that it is a voice-recorded message from someone titled as both Jurai and sophia, Being a bodyguard for half a month he knew that they were calling him using mana in a one-way method to contact him...

dartz; so this is mana...i guess Newtypes must've mutated then...

...he reached the hologram, after thinking that there might as well be new technology based on newtype research to create holographic displays like this, if only Dartz knew what this really is...

sophia; vivi dartz vide...bodyguard of my daughter Angelise, i am asking you to become private security if something doesn't go as Angelise's baptism ritual might as well not go to the dirt...

... She went into detail about the location, time, and date, all he needs to know as he reports directly to the king and queen...

dartz: security in the cathedral...oh boy...

...he snickered at the fact that he had to serve as security in the cathedral, but he served in security in the R and D departments of paleo nexus'  attempts to recover lost or even missing mobile suits, legally of course as he remembered off he now wondered on how this might be playing out in the time he gets there...

Dartz: ...i hope that fighting could go wrong here...

...then the news  in his new mana-powered TV is showing the news, as he roared in anger as he placed to finishing touches to the junior mobile suit...


now running in the cockpit of his junior mobile suit after hearing the news that the police are heading straight for the princess after realizing that she of all people is a norma...

dartz; gotta hurry, ange needs me!

...he made the mobile suit Junior made a charted beeline toward the cathedral of the misurugi empire...

dartz: how i wish i stopped julio when i had the chance!

......he crashed into a car as he braced for impact...


back in the palace, he sees Julio and his secretary now walking in his line of sight, as julio now walks to he is in the middle of trying to convince him to work for him...

julio: so are you with me in keeping the purity of the royal family?

dartz: sorry...i don't help racists...and hell, i won't risk creating a terrorist organization if you want to make things more crazier!

The Rondo of the Knight and the dragon [Cross Ange X Gundam AGE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz