CH# 1

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near a lake found within a forest, a small group of giant mechs is gathered around what looks like an absolutely totally normal day at the time... where a boy with black hear with some hints of white hair and a couple of consistent purple streaks down his hair, with eye bugs, with a look that has implied that he has probably has seen everything...where the boy who goes by the totally unassuming name of Vivi D. Vide...who ironically goes by his middle name...

[A/N: go ahead, One piece reference with the name! and Yugioh for dartz]

dartz: Ughhh...why I of all people have to go on the security of all places...

...he lamented the fact that he had been sitting inside his cockpit for so long with nothing much to do, as he heard something that had managed to break out of the silence at the time...

???: gundam what is it called again?

dartz: It's called...for the last time! Its name is Abezethibou! you know, the one-winged daemon who is sealed in the sea?

???: daemons huh?...reminds me of the many mobile armors on Tekkedan being named after the 72 pillars of the ars goetia, right?

dartz:, why are you calling me of all people, teach?

teacher: Well the chief of security made you look over an unassuming lake, because ever since we started to build a new recreational hub for the students...well they stopped building when-

...he is suddenly interrupted by the sound of the cockpit's seat beating...

teacher what's going on in there?

dartz; i don't know...

teacher: hold your ground! your other classmates are coming! other

...he then looked at the lake that he was guarding, as it started to glow a bright azure and turquoise, confusing the boy inside the cockpit of a mobile suit

dartz:hey! i think I'm seeing something in there...

...the light now dissipated to where a humanoid form with segmented wings now appeared out of there, with him, as he waited for his own classmates to soon catch up to him to his position, where the boy now is forced to look at what is coming out of the pit...

dartz: there's something coming out of there!

...the line is now receiving a bit of strong radio static blocking out his communications...

dartz: this is even better or worse than finding out that i keep on working in security in places i really hate so much!

...with communications down, and unable to call for backup, he only relied on the panoramic view , as he looked at an angular and geometric form similar to that of a winged humanoid, as the boy now looked at the creature coming out of the pit...

dartz: A mobile suit?...

... He sees a lone metallic humanoid with a pair of wings on its back the boy now looks at it with curiosity, knowing that his long-range communications array is jammed, but luckily for him not his ranged one...where he stood there on the ground...

where he stood there on the ground

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