The Prince of Magic (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"I'm running out of materials. We can make bandages from any kind of cloth, but I'll need more herbs soon."

The healer whispered, exhaustion evident in her words

"The worst cases have been attended to, so we are in good shape for now. But I wanted to raise the issue before it becomes a problem. Can you talk to Warchief about sending someone to the city? I would go myself but I can't leave now."

Lidea nodded in understanding, there was no need for the healer to explain.

"Of course I can. In the worst case, I will go to the city myself."

Crystal turned her unnatural blue eyes toward Lidea, a concerned expression crossing her face. Lidea could almost predict what she was about to say.

"It isn't needed in a hurry. Though I'd appreciate it, you need to rest first."

"Everyone needs to rest."

Lidea countered, knowing this was more important.

"You are right. I'm planning to have a nap after doing a last round of checks, just to make sure everyone is stable for now. I advise you to do the same, now that you can."

Lidea wasn't entirely sure if she believed the healer. Something told her that she would be right back to work as soon as she left the infirmary. Still, her weariness made her give Crystal her way and she answered with a deep sigh.

"I will too, after I talked to Warchief. I assume he sent part of the group to sleep as soon as it was possible. If so, someone might be fresh enough to do this for you. Believe me, I would also rather have someone else go. My eyes feel as if they will close on their own soon and I must need a bad desperately."

She couldn't smell it but knew that her clothes would have to soak for days to even have a chance at getting the stench of smoke out of them.

"You do."

Crystal replied, her nose wrinkling as if she suddenly smelled something unpleasant and hadn't been working right beside Lidea for hours by that point.

"My apologies, Your Highness. I should have known better than to start helping you before cleaning myself up."

The healer chuckled softly at her offended tone and Lidea grinned in return. Both of them needing some levity after the day they have been having.

"Well, let me go find Warchief then. I swear, if he's asleep, there will be a fight."

"If that's the case, let me know, and I'll wake up to join in."

Walking out of the building felt surreal. Nobody was on the street anymore, and she might have thought she had imagined everything if not for the warm glow emanating from almost every house, and even the majority of rooms within the main building. A testament to the population having at least tripled in a single day.

Lidea glanced to where she knew Warchief's office to be and she could see light flickering through the window. As she had expected, he was still slaving away as well.

The promise of sleep prompted her to quicken her pace up the moss-covered stairs, almost slipping more than once. Every time she cursed and gave the offending step the evil eye as if it had personally chosen to attack her that day.

I should have made the guys clean it.

With a frustrated sigh, she eventually reached the third floor and entered the main hallway. Fortunately, Warchief's office was nearby, illuminated by a soft glow seeping from beneath the door. After catching her breath for a moment, she knocked on the door, but there was no immediate response. She knocked again, her concern growing.

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