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The two boys disconnected their tswins, breathing out, feeling the others emotions disappear from their own

Then they walked in to see Neteyams parents talking with Aonungs, Kiri and Tsireya sat in the corner.

Worry and confusion spread across their faces.

"Neteyam, Aonung. Where were you two?" Jake asked

"Out for a walk" Neteyam quickly came up with

"Tonowari and Ronal said you two haven't been here all night" Neytiri said

Neteyam looked at Aonung who was looking at his own parents with hidden anger

There's no way they would have told Neteyams parents that they were together

No way

"You guys didn't come back at the time you said, we started getting worried. Your sister too, she came to us with Kiri and told us where you were" Aonungs father said looking over at the two girls in the corner

"Oh ummm" Aonung replied looking over to the girls, who's faces both screamed 'I'm sorry'

Neteyam eyes avoiding eye contact from everyone

"Neteyam what is going on?" His father asked, his voice was slightly raised but not the mad kind of raised more worried

It still scared Neteyam

He looked up into his fathers eyes before turning to Aonung

Who looked at him with reassurance that everything would be fine

Neteyam did not feel fine. He felt sick. His parents were going to hate him

He was going deep again, and he felt it coming

"A-A-Aonung a-and I-I" he stuttered

Pushing back the emotions he was trying to hide

Trying to say what he wanted

Breathing in deeply, still not looking at anyone

He couldn't do it

So much pressure was being put on him in that moment

More than he could handle

He started hyperventilating slightly

Aonung got quickly worried putting his hand on Neteyam shoulder rubbing it gently

At this point Neteyam started hyperventilating uncontrollably, shaking the boys hand off, booking it to the mauri's opening

"Neteyam" his mother called out, but he ignored it

Landing just outside it, hidden by the mauri's walls, not wanting anyone to see him having a panic attack.

Panic attacks used to be a regular occurrence for Neteyam back in the forest, with all the responsibilities that were put on him as the next Olo'eyktan

He hadn't had one in many months now

And he was scared of them. It always felt like the air was being sucked from his lungs

Coming on so quickly he didn't have time to prepare

He hated them

"What he's about to do is going to be hard, he's probably so scared right now, give him a minute" Tonowari said raising his hands to prevent the boys parents from going to him

Neteyams parents knew what the chief was referring to, and they were going to accept him through everything to come.

Neteyam had his hand on his chest trying to control his breathing

But the heart wants what it WANTS NeteyamxAo'nung जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें