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Morning came around, the sun was shinning bright into Neteyam face.

He felt a warmth next to him, cradling him like a baby from behind.

He lent his head down to see a teal hand wrapped around his waist, a soft breath brushes against his neck.

He felt calm, the demons in his mind were absent with the touch.

No thoughts were rushing through his mind. It stilled.

Neteyam heard a groan from the figure behind him. Instantaneously shutting his eyes pretending to be asleep. Wanting to know how the other boy would react to their current position.

Ao'nung stirred more before opening his eyes and lifting his head up to look over at the sleeping boy in front of him.

'Morning Neteyam" he gently whispered in his ear, causing Neteyam to sit up suddenly, jolting Ao'nung up.

"Shit, we fell asleep. My parents are going to be so mad" Neteyam yelled as realization fully came into play.

Thoughts rushing at high speeds into his mind, his parents would be so mad he wasn't in his bed, they would ask him where his was and he'd have to tell them he fell asleep on the beach with Ao'nung A BOY.

He stood up making his way to leave. Until a hand grabbed his.

"Woah, calm down Neteyam it's alright. We still have a couple hours before lessons, we can just tell your parents you were helping me set up" Ao'nung says pulling him back down to sit next to him.

"Okay, I'm sorry I fell asleep on you" Neteyam said rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn't held by Ao'nung.

"It's ok forest boy, It was nice, don't you agree" Ao'nung said warryly watching Neteyam recollect himself

"Yeah it was nice, I guess. Did we do anything?" Neteyam said implying what he actually wanted subtlety.

"No we talked for a bit, ate then you fell asleep with your head on my shoulder, so I layed down and you followed. Then I fell asleep. Why do you ask?" Ao'nung replied.

"Just wondering, I was so tired I crashed out" Neteyam said

Ao'nung sat there watching Neteyam features glisten in the sun.

"So what's the plan for today?" Neteyam asked. Breaking the silence.

"Well I think we are doing a longer dive today, Tsireya, Roxto and I all agree you all are ready for it, and we're going to start to teach you guys our sign language too. You guys learn really fast, you're going to handle it perfectly" Ao'nung said still watching Neteyam

"Really you think so?" Neteyam asked

"Of course in just 2 days you have improved tremendously" Ao'nung said praising Neteyam

"Thank you" Neteyam said looking down, to hide the light blush that spread across his face.

"Well, what are we going to do with all of this food? we didn't finish it last night?" Ao'nung said staring next to them at the assorted foods spread across the blanket.

"I don't know, give it to the elders" Neteyam suggested

"I'm hungry, let's just eat it now. There's not much left" Ao'nung said picking up a piece fruit and putting it to his mouth.

Then grabbing another to hand to Neteyam

"No thank you I'm not hungry" Neteyam said as his stomach lightly grumbled

"Don't lie, please eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" Ao'nung sternly said.

"Ok, thank you" Neteyam said taking the fruit and lifting it up to his mouth.

"You're welcome" Ao'nung said picking up more food and stuffing it all in his mouth.

Turning to Neteyam with puffy cheeks full with food, looking like a chipmunk while smiling wildly.

A piece of fish fell out of his mouth onto the blanket.

Neteyam giggled, his face lit up, which made Ao'nung smile even wider causing more food to fall from his mouth.

"You might want to finish what you're eating before you laugh, you know" Neteyam said giggling again at the chipmunk boy in front of him.

Ao'nung finished his mouth full before saying " I was trying to make you laugh, and it worked"

Neteyam smiled before taking a bit of fish. His mouth watering from the taste.

"You know your a really good cook, possibly even better than my mother" Neteyam said

"Thank you, my mother taught me and my sister to cook when we were really young. It's a good skill. Can you cook?" Ao'nung asked

"Yeah I can cook, I just never eat it" Neteyam said looking down into his lap at the fish

"You can't just cook and not even try it" Ao'nung said

"I make dinner for my family and tell them I already had some, because I never want to eat" Neteyam said ears drooped

"I have noticed at dinners that you don't eat. But then you come out with me, you eat, why is that?" Ao'nung asked cautiously.

"I don't know, when ever I do eat I don't like doing it around people, I can't even remember the last meal I had with my family. But for some reason I feel comfortable around you. You don't judge me" Neteyam said thinking about it deeply

"I'm glad you feel comfortable enough around me to eat, even when you don't want to. I feel comfortable around you too. We are good friends already after only two days, don't you agree?" Ao'nung said comfortingly

"Yes I agree, you are the only one who truly understands me, thank you" Neteyam said

"I do want to try your cooking though at some point and you're welcome bro" Ao'nung said giggling

"Bro? How out there" Neteyam said giggling as well

"Bestie? Friendie? Best bud? Theres lots of names for friends" Ao'nung laughed a wide smile on his face.

"I think our names are just fine Ao'nung, but you can be my bestfriend if you want, but I must warn you though, I'm feisty when you get to know me" Neteyam teased

"Oh I already know that Teyam, feisty forest boy" Ao'nung said laughing loudly watching Neteyams face light up

"And your a feisty reef boy Ao" Neteyam said he too was laughing.

Did Ao'nung just call him Teyam and did he just call him Ao'

"Ao' that's a new nickname" Ao'nung said raising an eyebrow

"So is Teyam" Neteyam said

"I like it" Ao'nung said

"Me too" Neteyam agreed

For the first time in a long time the thoughts towards another boy weren't bad and they weren't turning around either.

"Do I have a crush on Ao'nung?" Neteyam asked himself

1088 Words

But the heart wants what it WANTS NeteyamxAo'nung Where stories live. Discover now