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TW eating disorder talk

"Teyam, oh I missed you" Aonung yelled wrapping the boy in his arms lifting him up while twirling them both around

"I missed you too Nung, you have no idea" Neteyam said smiling very widely squeezing tightly

"How are you, how's duty's been going?" Aonung asked finally dropping the boy and sitting on the blanket

"I'm ok I guess, duty's been duty, boring as usual. How did the preparations go for the Tulkuns return?" Neteyam asked

"It's gone well, everything is set for when they return. I have to introduce you to my spirit brother I know he'll love you" Aonung said smiling

"I would be honored Nung" Neteyam said smiling back feeling a lot better being with his best friend

"Here I cooked your favorite" Aonung said holding up Neteyams favorite fruit

"I'm not hungry thank you" Neteyam said pushing Aonungs hand away, not daring to look in his eye

"You havnt eaten have you?" Aonung asked, a worry line spread across his forehead.

"No I havnt, I'm sorry, I just couldn't" Neteyam said his ears down, tears welling in his eyes

"Im not mad Teyam, but come on please eat, it's me" Aonung said pushing the fruit into Neteyams hand whether he liked it or not

"I'm sorry, it got bad, I fainted" Neteyam said finally pulling the fruit to his mouth, smelling it before taking a bite

"Oh Teyam" Aonung said moving over next to Neteyam hugging his side

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to. I was so hungry, but I just couldn't. My dad he was so mad at me, telling me it was my fault Loak almost got killed. The things that Illian said, it got to my head. Too fast. I worked too hard the last few days and I wasn't eating too, Nung I fainted on the way here tonight" Neteyam said tears streaming down his face, crying in Aonungs arms

"Shhhhhh, it's ok, it's ok. I'm here Teyam, I'm here" Aonung said stroking the boys shoulder, hiding tears of his own

'This is all my fault' Aonung thought

If only he had been around the last 4 days, Neteyam would have eaten and wouldn't have got this bad

"It hurts Nung, it hurts so much" Neteyam cried

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry Teyam" Aonung cried

This pulled Neteyam out, hearing Aonung apologize

"It's not your fault, it's mine. I should've eaten" Neteyam said turning his whole body to Aonungs

Both boys leaned into each others touch, sinking in

"I've got an idea to cheer you up, come on" Aonung said wiping his tears away then grabbing Neteyams hand pulling them both up

"What is it?" Neteyam asked wiping his tears too

"You'll see, help me with this please" Aonung said gathering up the food from the blanket, before grabbing Neteyams hand dragging him to the waters

Neteyam had butterflies in his stomach, good ones.

Unknowing that Aonung had the same feeling

Aonung called his ilu, placing the food blanket on the back.

He got on his ilu, turning to see Neteyam about to call his own ilu

"What are you doing, get on" Aonung said gesturing Neteyam to sit behind him on his ilu

But the heart wants what it WANTS NeteyamxAo'nung Where stories live. Discover now