Dream On Pt 2

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Kakyoin pushed Y/N behind him, stepping forward in a protective stance. As much as she loved the men she had fallen in with, their protection was frustrating. She had a stand, Dream On she named it, but not one suited for fighting. It made her feel like a liability. Her dreams had shifted, no longer merely nighttime images. They had become visions, coming almost without warning. These visions had helped the Crusaders immensely.

Before she could protest, one of these visions hit her so powerfully she froze. Kakyion felt her tense up and turned to glance in her direction. She was rigid; if he hadn't known better he would think she was having a seizure. In a matter of seconds her mind showed her the outcome of the next few minutes.

Coming back to the here and now, Y/N's focus snapped to Kakyoin's violet eyes. "You can't fight Dio now," she said, her tone pleading. Her eyes begged her friend; they had become rather close.

"Y/N, this is what we are here for, to stop Dio," he replied, stern and resolute. He wished his stomach understood. It churned and gurgled, turmoil he chose to ignore for the higher good.

Shaking her head she implored, "Nori, you will die here if you engage Dio now." Slow, silent tears served to punctuate her statement.

Since her mother's death, she had never had a dream, or vision, that didn't come true. Avdol had guided her through accepting and developing her precognitive abilities in the short time since joining their group. She had so much to learn!

The pair locked eyes, then in a swift movement Noriaki pulled her into a brief but strong hug. Before she could do anything more, he was gone. Despite what she had told him, he rushed to face Dio. She could do nothing but watch, despair washing over her.

As the scene began to play out before Y/N, just as she had envisioned, her heart clinched. A rush of terror flooded over her, she was not ready to lose her new best friend. Regardless of the brevity of their friendship, it was intense. Not in a romantic sense, but deep nonetheless.

Knowing what was to come, she screamed his name. Hierophant Green emerged, tentacles lashing out to form a web. She braced herself for the moment she knew was coming when suddenly a mist, cloudy like smoke, poured from her body. Wispy tendrils of the substance reached the egomaniacal vampire, engulfing him rapidly.

In her mind's eye she pictured him dancing like a court jester. For a brief moment Dio's face looked perplexed. Then he began to dance, just as she had imagined.

The spectacle of Dio's impromptu dance party shocked Kakyoin and Joseph. Quickly they moved into action, both of their stands lashing out to entangle the vampire in their coils. As they closed in on Dio, Jotaro and Polnareff arrived at the scene.

Looks of confusion soon shifted to determination as the two joined in the fight. Y/N shifted her vision of what Dio was doing to facilitate the capture of the monster from her dreams.

Jotaro glanced at the young lady, her gaze honed in on their enemy. Her face was clenched into an expression of determination. Since the night they met he had strange feelings around Y/N. In this moment, he realized what he was feeling was not merely camaraderie and admiration. He had romantic feelings for her, undeniably.

Recognizing his love for Y/N, Jotaro turned back to the matter at hand. His resolve for success, to bring everyone back home alive, refreshed. Star Platinum began to punch the captive vampire with lightning speed. His cries of 'Ora, ora, ora' built in volume.

Backing away from the barely conscious Dio, Jotaro assessed his work. Before he could make his next move, the sound of Y/N dropping to the ground caught the attention of Jotaro and Kakyoin.

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