Iris - Goo Goo Dolls (Jotaro x Reader)

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Y/N was about to graduate this year. Her final year of schooling had been amazing with one exception. Her best friend had disappeared for almost two months in the middle of the year. Now Jotaro was back, but still had not returned to school.

Sitting on the edge of her bed she scrolled through her phone. Some acquaintances had invited her to a big party tonight. Someone's parents were out of town for the weekend making it a perfect opportunity for teen stupidity and drunkenness. While her general mood was ok, underlying she was sad. Unoccupied, her brain picked at the corners of this funk.

As she stared out the window at the garden, her grandmother's iris twitched slightly in the breeze. Their purple petals were a stark contrast with the bright yellow along the lower petals. The highlights practically glowed in the moonlight. Y/N remembered her grandmother telling her they symbolized courage, wisdom and admiration.

She wished she had some wisdom right about now. As she marveled at their beauty she thought about the most recent time she had seen Jotaro.

She had only seen Jotaro once in the couple of weeks he had been back. She had been walking past his house on her way to school. She saw him smoking in his garden, probably trying to be unseen by the fangirls who would collect at his gate if someone spotted him outside.

As the smoke plumed around Jotaro he had turned, meeting her gaze. He nodded and pulled his hat down. He returned to his previous stance, relaxed against the post, one foot propped there, bending the leg at the knee.

Y/N needed to get to school and JoJo didn't seem in the mood for talking, so she walked on. All that day her thoughts returned to that moment, mentally exploring possibilities. What was he thinking, were they still friends? What happened that he disappeared for so long?

That evening she had been sure he would text. When he didn't she thought about texting him. She didn't though, figuring if he wanted to talk he would have reached out. That night, as had become the pattern, she slept horribly.

Thinking about the last couple of months of poor sleep, Y/N considered going to bed early. Knowing it would do no good, she sighed and flipped on the TV. At no point did she even consider joining in the revelry of her classmates, she didn't feel right celebrating anything. As soon as she set her phone on the bedside table, it jittered with vibration.

Y/N assumed it would be one of her friends, drunk and behaving badly. But being the responsible person she is, she sighed and picked up her phone. Her frown changed to an expression of surprise when she saw who it was from: Jotaro.

'You alone?'

Blinking slowly, trying to think what she should say, Y/N typed out: 'Yes, at home. Parents are gone for the week.'

'I'll be there in 5.'

Gasping, she ran to the bathroom to clean up a bit. As she finished, throwing on an oversized hoodie and shorts, she heard knocking at the door. He's the only person she knows who doesn't use the doorbell. This thought made her smirk, but that faded away as she swung the door open.

Jotaro silently walked through the door and headed towards Y/N's room. He had been over many times in the past and knew his way. Shutting the door, she scurried off to catch up with him, just in time to see him duck through the doorway. By the time she got in the room he was sitting on her bed with his head down. His muscular arms rested on his legs, fingers fumbling with each other.

Y/N stood in front of him just waiting. His hat covered what little of his face she would have been able to see. But what she could see was fat teardrops falling on the legs of his jeans, dark circles spreading across the fabric. She was awestruck.

One and Done:  Sweets and Lemons  (JJBA one shots)Where stories live. Discover now