Faith - Yugo Kanno (Giorno x Elisa)

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A/N:  This piece was written for my daughter who is madly in love with Giorno.  Every time I hear this song, so sweet and peaceful, I think of him singing it to her, a declaration of his devotion to her. It also seems fitting that the composer of Girono's theme would be the one composing Giorno's love song for her.

Since I haven't been able to write much with what is going on in my professional life, I thought I would share it with you.   Also, I promised her not to write Giorno with anyone else so this is my way of giving you all a GioGio fix without breaking my promise.  I am considering publishing the birthday story I wrote for her as well. 

It would make sense that the house would be in chaos; Bruno was out, having a meeting with other capos. As a gesture of good faith no one was supposed to be accompanied by any of their teams.

Consequently, Elisa was having a rough morning.  First, she woke up to the sounds of Fugo trying to kill Narancia.  Before she could get out her bedroom door, Giorno rushed by saying, "Don't worry!  I got it!"  His words seemed to float down the hall after him.  She half smiled at how considerate the golden haired young man was of her. 

Then she padded down the hallway to pee, only to discover that Abbacchio was in the bathroom.  She knocked lightly, asking how much longer.  She only got his bitchy groan and a snappy, "When I'm done!"  He always took forever, prissing and primping over his hair and makeup.  Elisa rolled her eyes, turning from the door.

Shuffling back to her room, she was now a bit desperate to urinate.  It was like not being able to go made her necessity grow disproportionately.  She stared at herself in the mirror for a moment and began to fix her hair.  Elisa sneezed, almost peeing herself. 'This is absurd,' she thought as she dashed back down the hall.

The bathroom was still closed so she ran for the downstairs bathroom.  That door closed just as she rounded the corner.  Banging on the door with urgency she grumpily raised her voice, "I need in NOW!!!  I'll be literally one minute."

The door squeaked lightly and Mista's face peeked out from the sliver of space between the door and the door jam.  Elisa's eyes were watering with the effort to hold the floodgates.  She saw a smirk begin on the gunslinger's face.  Before he could enact whatever devious plan was hatching in his ridiculous brain, she shoved the door into him and shouted, "Get OUT!"

Dejectedly Mista stood lamely waiting for Elisa to exit.  She could hear him huffing and Narancia laughing at him outside the door.  She finished her business and washed her hands.  Swinging the door open, adjusting her night wear, she looked up to see four faces staring intently at her, smirking.  Narancia was barely holding a giggle, Mista had his stupid smirk, and Abbacchio stood with his arms crossed looking like a domineering, haughty bitch as always.  Fugo just stood there, also arms crossed, but he appeared to have been looped into the joke unwillingly as he was the first to trudge away. 

Elisa was getting annoyed with today already and it only got worse when she got to her bedroom door and saw it cracked open.  She thought, 'Which one of these dumbasses entered my room?!'  Although she loved the gang with all her heart, they were famiglia after all, they each knew how to push her buttons.  And entering her room without permission was a BIG red button for Elisa. 

Scowling, Elisa stomped into her room, ready to do the detective work to discover the culprit.  Her anger and bravado deflated like a loose balloon when she saw Giorno sitting on her now carefully made bed.  The young man had stolen her heart, even if he was unaware.  They were very close friends, but she could never risk ruining it by confessing her heart's desires.  So she lived the lie, pretending he was just the same as her other 'brothers'. 

She noticed that her dirty laundry was scooped into a laundry basket, ready for the wash.  Her curtains were drawn so that the cheerful morning sun illuminated her bedroom. The sunlight gave Giorno an almost heavenly glow as he smiled softly at his love.  He too had untold feelings eating away at his heart and soul. 

One and Done:  Sweets and Lemons  (JJBA one shots)Where stories live. Discover now