What's In Your Box? Pt 2 (Narancia x Reader)

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It had been a couple months since Narancia and Y/N had started dating.  Occasionally they would tease each other about how they finally broke the barrier keeping them from the relationship they now enjoyed. As for the rest of the gang, most were relieved the tension between the couple had ceased.  Bucciarati was pleased that their pairing seemed to focus both of the young stand users.

Until today.  Today Y/N had violated everything that was sacred to Narancia.  It was damn near unforgivable!  He sat on the couch, arms crossed and a scowl on his face.  Fugo had been trying to get him to talk, although he was beginning to wonder if he should just enjoy the resulting quietness of the house.

Everyone else was out on a mission, including Y/N.  Normally that would have Narancia in a fit of concern. He hated when she was in the field and he wasn't there to protect her.  But today nothing was distracting him from his tantrum. 

"Why can't you tell me what she did that has you so mad?" Fugo asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.  The dark cloud hanging about Narancia was affecting Fugo's mood. 

"Because you won't understand," the young man whined.  "You'll say I'm being stupid again!"

"Well are you?"

This caused the ravenette to huff and turn away from Fugo's gaze. The awkward silence was broken by Narancia's phone going off. He grabbed it half-heartedly and slammed it back into the cushions when he saw it was from Y/N.

More tones went off.  He crossed his arms and reaffirmed his stance of pouting.

Fugo shook his head, "You know that's dangerous in our line of work."


"Ignoring teammates' communications.  It could be her dying moment and you're here pouting like a toddler," Fugo replied.  It was harsh but true. Being a mafioso came with cruel facts.

"Fine," Narancia almost shouted gruffly. Picking up his phone he read her string of texts:

Babydoll: Sweetheart, please don't be mad. I just got curious.  You never told me I wasn't allowed in your closet.

Babydoll:  Come on Creamcicle. You know I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything.

Babydoll:  Muffin?

Babydoll:  Babe?

Babydoll:  Look, I'm sorry!

Huffing once again Narancia threw the phone at the couch arm. It bounced onto the floor. Fugo went to pick it up and read the texts.

"Whatever she did she's more concerned with apologizing to you and making it right than focusing on the mission."  He shook his head, "That's really dangerous.  She could get hurt or someone else could."

Narancia held out his hand, waiting for the strawberry blonde to hand him the phone. Passing it to the now scowling man, Fugo stared at him. 


"Are you going to answer her?"

"Fine."  Narancia tapped out a response and hit send.

Silence fell once more. And stretched into tense moment after moment.  Fugo decided he would busy himself with some cleaning to fill the time.

And the silence continued, tense and anticipatory.  Time marched on as it does. Until both Fugo and Narancia's phone rang out notifications.  Fugo glanced at the message and burst into action.

Narancia raised an eyebrow as the green streak of Fugo's suit zipped past.  He returned with medical supplies.  Before Narancia could ask what was going on the door burst open.

One and Done:  Sweets and Lemons  (JJBA one shots)Where stories live. Discover now