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As Brownie sat on the skibidi toilet corpse, he gazed at the picture of TV Woman that he held in his hand. He had been coined the nickname "Brownie" by The Alliance, and seeing the picture of TV Woman gave him renewed hope to keep pushing forward. Despite having partners with whom he could confide, Brownie was hesitant to open up about his struggles or ask for advice, fearing that he would be ridiculed if he shared his feelings and only engaged in small talk with them occasionally. 

Brownie seemed to be struggling with depression, feeling unloved, and believing that finding a girlfriend was an impossible feat. While he wasn't envious of his associates' ability to woo women part of The Alliance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for them. The deadpanned Brownie only kept gazing at the picture of the TV Woman all while his teammates were currently fighting the skibidi toilets, during the time he was sitting around with his toilet disabler laser laid on him, still just lost in his thoughts regarding his life and whatever ways he could solve his issues. 

Brownie didn't become aware of his surroundings again until a teammate eventually spoke his name aloud, jolting him back to reality and leading him to face the cameraman who was wielding a toilet disabler laser.

"You're supposed to be helping us kill the toilets, not staring at the photo of whoever in your hand."

Before momentarily hiding the image in his brown coat, he exhaled softly with an absent tone of annoyance. "...my apologies." A skibidi toilet was approaching Brownie's teammate when he quickly turned to the area where he had heard singing, pointing his finger towards the oncoming toilet while turning his camera-head back to his buddy. "Toilet approaching."

The cameraman soon turns his camera-head to where he pointed as well as sees the arrival of an existing enemy, shooting them with his toilet disabler laser, and while it happens to be paralyzed, he walks over to it. Not in the mood to joke around or waste some good time, he pulls the protective cover as well as the flushing knob to finish it off, shortly looking to Brownie still sitting on the toilet.

Brownie offered a hesitant thumbs-up, not anticipating a response from the other. "N-Nice job." The other cameraman peered up just as a strider toilet emerged on the top roof of a building as if he knew and didn't even have time for a single second of response.

Brownie observed as the strider toilet failed to hit any shots despite having an advantage, the cameraman presently watching it before eventually, a large cameraman hurled a stun baton at the strider toilet which caused it to fall and crash painfully.

As the large cameraman approaches the dumbfounded strider toilet, he pulls out the flush knob and holds it in his hand, rotating his camera-head over to the other cameraman and giving him a thumbs-up in the hope that he will return it as Brownie had predicted. He then hears some chanting from the skibidi toilet to his left and is about to turn his camera-head to it, however the rapid speedy glitch skibidi toilet instantly blows out his camera-head, causing his dead corpse to tumble knee first to the ground. Brownie is terrified and hides as much as he can behind the toilet he was previously sitting on while scanning the area in front of him and despite the fact that he is safe behind the toilet, Brownie believes a rumor that the glitch toilet allegedly killed all of the remaining speakermen in the city, possibly explaining why they haven't been showing up.

The cameraman, who should be hiding behind something, instead chooses to watch the skibidi glitch toilet kill the rest of his partners, incapable of doing anything else if he doesn't need to be murdered by the powerful entity, inevitably glancing at Brownie, who does the same but with a deep phrasing of dread indicated in his camera-face. He was very frightened and the cameraman could sense it was genuine, despite being a bit unforgiving or strict he felt very terrible for the hapless fellow, having the littlest encouragement to walk over and conform him even though he may well be taken down amid the minute. In a brief time, a commonplace dark haze shows up before the remaining survivors; it is the Òwó showing TV Woman who inspires the brown coated cameraman, who motivates the brown coated cameraman, looking at her and staring at her for a while, a sense of comfort weighing on him.

Out of nowhere, TV Woman gets hit by the glitch toilet, but she miraculously remains unharmed. Her TV-head flies off, emitting a pinkish-purple light and spinning rapidly in a circle due to the impact. The glitch skibidi toilet that hit her keeps going around and around her without losing any momentum. After a while, it stopped in front of the TV-head facing it. The toilet freezes in mid-air with a twisted smile that eventually turns into a frown. A blue glowing needle is inserted into its temple, causing it to drop down and become immovable. TV Woman reattaches her TV-head to her neck, and her screen displays a >w< as the medic cameramen attend to the fallen cameramen. Brownie stares vacantly at TV Woman while she turns around to face the other way.

As the camera zoomed in, a scientist was spotted sitting inside a camera mech, it was clear to the cameraman that the scientist was responsible for injecting the shot into the glitch toilet. The glitch toilet was struggling to move as it was paralyzed and all of a sudden, the cameraman heard footsteps and looked up to see Brownie walking towards TV Woman. Brownie tried to speak to her but before he could reach her, TV Woman teleported away in a fog without noticing him which led to the brown coated cameraman coming to a halt.

His initial assumption—which wasn't even close to being accurate—was that TV Woman had no interest in him whatsoever. "O-Of course...she doesn't like me." The second cameraman walked up to him from his side and put his hand on his shoulder as Brownie muttered to himself in a dejected tone.

"She probably needed to do something very important, I'm doubtful TV Woman would be that harsh to a cameraman like you, don't ya think?" Brownie leaned his camera-head down to the ground slightly before he listened to his ally.

He let out a sigh, again not out of annoyance but out of distrust. "...yeah. I guess so." He lied with a vaguely sad empty voice tone spoken by him, he didn't feel like that was the right idea and was still getting the wrong one.


Isolated and alone with nobody else in the same space as him, Brownie sat in the room he shared with his camera colleagues, staring at a picture of TV Woman on the wooden table in front of him. Despite trying to connect with others, he felt like no one was interested in getting to know him. Suddenly, one of his roommates entered the room and noticed something was wrong, asking Brownie what was going on with him hesitating at first. "You doing alright?"

He chose to forge a random response. "...of course, always am. Just ready to try and ask TV Woman out again." He made an effort to appear assured, but it came out as completely sarcastic.

"Oh Brownie, don't take it like that. Give her some time instead of rushing." He gave him a few comforting pats on the shoulder.

"I'm going to go to rest, alright? Tell me if you need anything or any assistance." His roommate started to walk to his bed when Brownie interrupted him with his final question.

"Cameron, do you think..." After pausing briefly to consider if the question was appropriate, he resumed speaking. "...that I was humiliated by anybody?"

For a while, Cameron, the roommate, glanced at his bed as he considered what to say and tried to remember if anybody had genuinely been laughing behind the brown coated cameraman's back. "Hm...I can't remember if anybody did, but I am doubtful that your allies would've for a nice guy like you. You don't seem to deserve to be made ashamed anyway." Then, after yawning for a moment, he positioned himself in a sleeping posture on the bed with his back on the mattress.

Brownie tried his hardest to feel some happiness and assurance from the fact, but for some strange, unexplainable reason he just couldn't feel anything from it at all, sighing once more to himself and silently thanking his friend for attempting to cheer him up even though it didn't help. He took a pack of unopened cigarettes from the table's little shelf and examined it before he went to rest on his bed next to his friend, taking a minute to reflect on how uncommon it was for cameramen to smoke during action or a break. He picked up the 20-pack of cigarettes and the chrome lighter that was sitting next to it even though he was a young adult who might be harmed by smoking, stuffing the two items into the pockets of his brown coat in the hopes that no one would use them given that they had been sitting there for so long, untouched.

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