.. ⚘ Fever ⚘ .. S x K

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sanemi x KanaeOriginal AU_(This is a continuation from the chapter "Puppies")_____________Narrarator's POV

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Sanemi x Kanae
Original AU_
(This is a continuation from the chapter "Puppies")
Narrarator's POV

A few days after Sanemi had left the puppies in Kanae's care, he had started to feel..strange.

He had been sweating a lot more, even on cool and rainy days. Days where people would wear layers and thick haori's to keep warm. He had been getting migraines and headaches, even when not annoyed.
He could never bring himself to eat anything, not even ohagi which was his favorite food in the whole wide world. And he had been getting hurt often, he felt weaker and anyone who was sent to fight along him noticed him behaving weaker. The one who noticed this the most was Kanae. When he came to the Butterfly Mansion to get healed after missions, she noticed him not accepting meals, becoming weaker in training, often looking red and sweaty, she saw him get annoyed with the other patients by shoving them aside or talking in a rider tone, the complaining about his headaches.
Most people were annoyed by this behavior, how weak he was now and had irritable he was. But Kanae, she was just concerned.

Kanae was writing down notes from a patient she had just healed, until a door slid open. She saw Sanemi, her fellow hashira. And her crush..

He had a cut engraved on his chest that carved down to his belly. She gasped when she saw all the blood ooze down like wine.

"Oh my.. Shinaguzawa, it looks like you've been injured again!" she said, with a smile despite her concerned manner. "I'm fine.. I just need it healed, blood is fucking annoying to clean up and I don't want it to distract me when fighting." he said, seeming quite irratated and dismissive. Her smile turned to a frown quickly as she stood up and walked over to him, their heights showed.

(I don't actually know her height I know that Sanemi is 5'10 and I think Kanae is either 5'6 or 5'2)

"Shinaguzawa - kun.. I've been very worried for you, you've been coming here a lot more then usual! Each time coming with terrible injuries," she said, laying her two hands on his shoulders, she looked at him with innocent eyes, sparkling with concern and love. He wasn't annoyed at her, he couldn't be. He couldn't bring himself to be stern with her, she was too kind.
"It's fine.. I'm a hashira afterall. All I have to worry about is missions." he replied, scratching his necks as his cheeks grew rosy red. She frowned.
"That's not a way to live at all, even as hashira, we have to care for ourselves so we don't perish. If we do, then who will be there to stand by and protect the innocent?"

He gulped and she noticed the sweat pearls drenching his forhead. He coughed into his arm, she frowned even more. "Sweating, coughing, headaches, cramps, weakness, etc.. oh no, Shinaguzawa has all the symptoms of a fever! Poor dear.." she grabbed his hand gently, and dragged him to a bed. He practically froze and let the small woman drag him.

She sat him on a patient bed in a private room.
"Shinaguzawa, here, can you strip your shirt off?"
He blushed and scratched the back of his neck, his breath hitched but he just nodded. "Y-Yeah.. uhm, sure.." he replied, following her order.

He took his shirt off and she immedietly started to clean the blood, she cleaned it off carefully, he was often aware she never tried to hurt him, and was afraid if she did. "I apologize if this stings," she grabbed a bottle of alcohol and poured a bit onto a cloth, rubbing the blood on his large gash. He grunted as the pain filled him. She then finally started to rap him with bandages. When she was done, she smiled sweetly at him.
"Shinaguzawa, stay here for a moment please, okay?" "Y-Yeah.." she went to her office and grabbed the pair of standard blue uniform.(Idk what to call it)

She walked her way back to the patient room, patients and the maid stared at her as they noticed her slightly distressed face.

She opened the door and saw him sitting there, scratching at the bandages. "Shinaguzawa - kun, please don't mess with the bandages. Here, wear these." she handed them to him. He stared down at them and raised his non-existent eyebrow. "I'll be leaving shortly, there's no need for me to wear these.." he said, she giggled. "Oh no, you'll be staying here for a bit! Now, put them on, I'll give you some privacy." she stepped out of the room and leaned on the door, waiting for him to finish dressing.
He sighed, confused and slightly irratated.
He changed into the blue pajama's they had at the Butterfly Mansion. But unbuttoned the top few buttons to show his scarred and muscular chest. "Finished!"
She smiled and walked back in. She rolled her sleeve up and closed the door, "What're you-" he couldn't finish, as she had already placed her fore-arm onto his burning forhead. She gasped. "Shit.."

"Shinaguzawa - kun! You're.. you're burning up! You have a fever, why didn't you tell anyone..?" she asked, looking sadly at him. He gulped and scratched the back of his neck. "Like I said, I'm a hashira.. these things shouldn't matter.. only fighting does." she covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes glittered. "Shinaguzawa - kun, that's not a good way to think! If you think like that.. you'll end up injured! Or worse!" "And why do you care?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. He wasn't angry at her, he was angry at the fact someone found out and now he'd be trapped there. Trapped with the cutest and sweetest girl that he's head over heels inlove with. "Because.. Because I really care for you, you're such a kind man.. even if you don't believe so or if others don't think so. Even if that's the case, I know you're kind, you're a sweet and gentle man.. I want to protect you, and to keep you safe, to protect the little remaining happiness inside of you. And by doing that, I'll take care of you as much as I can!" she said. She balled her fists and spoke a bit more louder. She was tired of his "I'm a hashira, nothing else matters" sorta attitude. He gulped and just flushed red. She sighed and wiped her eyes.

She layed him down on the bed. She stood over him from beside. "Shinaguzawa - kun, I'll get you a hot towel." She said and left the room. He sighed and rubbed his forhead, a migraine forming. "I love that woman.." she came back and gently placed the steaming towel on his forhead, he groaned in pain from his migraine. She rubbed his chest as a way to comfort him. "Shinaguzawa - kun, are you hot or cold?" "I'm r-really cold.." he said, he coughed into his arm. She looked so sad, seeing him like this only made her heart hurt. "I'll get you more blankets.." she lifted the blanket over him, grabbing more from the chair next to his bed. She slid them over him and squished his cheek to try and lighten him up. "Is that better?" "Yes.." he stared into her eyes, they felt so sweet. Like he was in a pool of roses and lavender. He felt so warm and happy, so comfortable when looking into her eyes. Like he was a kid.. when his mother would read to him, protect him from his abusive and asshole father. When she would wipe his tears, tuck him to bed, and hug him when he was having his nightmares. All those moments that made him comfortable.. her eyes felt like a mirror he could reflect his happiest moments into.

"Shinaguzawa - san.. if you need anything else. Please t-" she was interupted by him pulling her onto the bed with him. He hugged her tightly, she was shocked. But just smiled. She took her butterfly patterned haori off and placed it at the bottom of the bed. She hugged him, she knew all he needed was comfort right now. She would provide that no matter what. "K-Kocho.." he gulped. Tears swelling in his eyes as the pain was eating him up. She fondeled his cheek and rubbed his back. "I promise you.. everything will be alright, okay? I promise everything will be just fine.. I'll take care of you." he stuffed his face into her neck and just cuddled her there. Not wanting to be alone with anyone else right now.


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