Chapter 27.

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When is a monster not a monster?Oh

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When is a monster not a monster?
Oh. When you love it.

"So it's just us. Right?" I grins sheepishly already knowing it's just us. There much up with me.
"Yeah, so" she asked while arching one of her eye brow but unknowingly my lips twitched from the side. And for the sure fuck she is astonished.

"Nothing" I tried to hide my smile that is trying to slip off from my lips. Looking at the table there is nothing. I turned to face lith "how come you don't have coffee or something in morning? If you dont have anything in morning you could atleast arrange something for me" I asked in intentions to piss her off. And it worked.

"For you kind information I was drinking my coffee when your sweet melodius voice came from upstairs." She grumbled while recalling our earlier interaction, I sighed trying to act that I'm done with her. "And the coffee beans is in there and there is a coffee machine kept there too." I squinted my eyes at her, "So make yourself comfortable" and here comes her signature smirk again.

Opening my mouth to argue furthermore, but sealing it shut in another moment. It's a perfect time to execute my mission. Mission emotion. Thinking about it makes a smile linger on my lips.
"What. What are you smiling at Rainbow?" Getting caught in mid way of smiling. "Nothing. You just wait here I will make coffee for you too, as it was because of me that you spilled your coffee."

"No. You don't need to."
As expected how could she make it simple. She has has to make it so difficult. "Agh. I'm trying to be nice can't you understand." She muttered something under her breath, before allowing me do so, not that I wouldn't do that, if she said no. "Suit yourself, and I don't take milk and sugar in my coffee. I want a pure unadulterated black coffee"

"The fuck who drinks that" I asked literally surprised at her choice.

"I drink. Got any problem." She stated with a deadly poker face. God I think you really added uniqueness... I mean weirdness in her with full of fist.

"Whatever" I muttered before making my way to make coffee.... no not coffee, to accomplish my mission.

So let's go. The start of mission: Emotion.

Screaming internally I grabbed the coffee beans from the shelf. Pouring some into the grinding machine I started the machine. And you know what I forgot to put on the close of the grinder. Fuck me already, causing all the beans to mess around the counter and floor. Opps sorry I'm not sorry.

Leaving the mess I created for Lith to clean, I again started the machine, not forgetting to close the lid this time. With it the soft smell of coffee embraced the surrounding.

Taking a spoonful of coffee powder... no coffee powder extracted from fresh, unadulterated coffee beans that too by me.
Mixing it into hot water, wait but it still doesn't look enough. She wants her 'pure, unadulterated black coffee' so why not.

Mixing another spoon of coffee, then another, until it wasn't atleast five spoonful of coffee powder. And some of ingredients from Ciel's special cooking ingredients.
Now it's ready to serve. Smirking to myself while thinking about Lith's reaction. I carried her 'black coffee' to her.

Hearing my footsteps she looked up from her phone to me. I forwarded my hand which had coffe for her to take which she did without any argument.

Settling the cup on the counter she looked at me and asked, "Won't you have?" Oh so innocent, so fucking innocent she doesn't know what is waiting for her.
I shook my head while flashing her a quick smile I said, "your kitchen doesn't has ingredients for the coffee that I take."

She nodded and picked up the coffeee, bringing it  near her mouth. My eyes settled on her for her next move. While my elbow rested on the counter, I looked at her with eagerness.

I tucked my hands beneath my thighs and jittered my foot as Lith brought the coffee to her mouth. I almost dove for her and knocked it out of her hand, but I was curious how she would react.

Would she spit it out? Gag? Throw the coffee at me and kick me out of the house? Everything will be crystal clear the movement she drinks it.

She drank slowly, her face not betraying any emotion whatsoever.
“Well? What do you think?” I injected fake pep in my voice. “Good?”

“The coffeee tastes like coffee. Doesn't it.” Not a question. Point to be noted
“Yep.” I murmured

“You made the coffee. You made it."

My bottom lip disappeared behind my teeth. “Uh-huh.” I couldn’t look her in the eye. Not only was I terrible at lying, I was terrible at keeping a straight face.

“It's fine.”

My head snapped up. “What?” The coffee wasn't anywhere fine; it was gross.
I’d tried one myself and almost threw up. Asparagus and garlic brittle did not mix well in the coffee.

Lith finished coffee and dusted the invisible dust from her hands and clothes. “It’s fine,” she repeated. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a call to take.”

She left me in the dining room, mouth agape.

I picked up the coffee which have left, or say I saved for tasting them myself, bringing it near my nose just to smell it, just in case—

Blech! I gagged and ran into the kitchen to spit out the abomination, then rinsed my mouth with water from the sink to erase the lingering aftertaste.
Lith must definitely have messed-up taste buds, because no normal person would’ve been able to drink... or maybe swallow that coffee without at least grimacing.

I came to the only conclusion that made sense.

“She’s definitely a fucking robot.”


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