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??? POV:

I opened my eyes to see my desk neatly put together with some documents needing my signature piled up in front of me. 'Ugh when will this ever end?' I thought as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

My thoughts were cut short however as the door to my office creaked open revealing a small figure. "D-Dad?" The figure asked shyly as it opened the door farther revealing a small blonde boy in pajamas holding a fox stuffed animal.

"Zach? what are you doing here? Where's your nanny Miss Sanders?" I ask making the boy look down to his feet.

"I had a nightmare and wanted to see you." Was all he could squeak out.

I smiled at my youngest son and thought. 'God he's already 6 years old, how the time flies.' He peeked up and saw my warm smile which immediately put him at ease. "Come here Zach." I said as I gestured him to approach.

He walked slowly up to me and once he was within reach I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. At first he flinched but then relaxed and reciprocated the embrace. After a few moments he pulled away and I finally noticed his puffy cheeks.

"How about this, after dad is done with his work, I'll read you a bedtime story." This made him smile widely.

"Okay!" He said before running straight for the leather sofa in the room and plopping himself onto it.

I returned my gaze back to my work and finish signing and reviewing the documents I had in front of me. Time passed and I finally was able to finish, I stretched, relieved that I could sleep soon before remembering the child waiting on the sofa. I looked over expecting to see an anxious or impatient boy, however Zach had already fallen back asleep on the sofa, sleeping soundly as if nothing was wrong.

I walked over and gazed at my youngest as he slept brushing the hair away from his face. 'Oh Zach, I'm so sorry. If only I was able to protect you from this cruel world.' I thought as I picked him up and slowly made my way toward the door.

However right before I grabbed the door handle I noticed my reflection in the window. Staring back at me was my reflection holding Zach in my arms and that's when it hit me. "What if I could protect him after my term." Was all I said, but it resonated deeply within myself. I turned to the door and opened it with new conviction. 'That's it! That's how I can protect him.' was all I could think of as I walked down the hallway.


Zach POV:

I woke up in a sweat both confused and terrified at what I had just witnessed. 'What the hell was that?' I thought as we rocked back and forth slightly as the boat approached our destination.

"Zach are you okay?" A voice I recognized as Bertholdt's asked with concern.

I turned to the concerned boy who was in the doorway of my quarters and said "I don't know, I just had the weirdest dream." I said confused which caused Bertholdt to raise an eyebrow. "I was in it but I wasn't controlling my body, I was controlling my father's." I elaborated which instantly calmed Bertholdt.

"Oh that was most likely a memory of a previous Warhammer." I looked at him with even more confusion now which made him explain "All titan shifters gain memories of previous shifters, the current theory that the Titan Research Society has is that all of us Eldians are connected, especially The Nine. I'm surprised you didn't know, haven't you gotten a memory before this?"

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