Destructive Debut

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Zach POV:

Rocking back and forth I try to stabilize myself in the rickety train compartment. Currently we're on our way to the nation of Cordel, I glance out the window to my left witnessing the rocks and trees move past at frightening speeds.

'At this rate we'll get there at night.' I think while watching the sunset before focusing my gaze back inside. Sitting next to me is Marcel with Reiner and Bertholdt sitting across from us in our booth.

"So are you excited for your first mission Zach?" Reiner asked with excitement bursting from his tone.

"I don't know, the closer we get the more uncomfortable I feel." I answer honestly, feeling a knot starting to form in my stomach.

"Come on Zach you'll do fine remember last time we trained you weren't fully drained after. Also I heard your hand to hand combat skills are progressing quickly." Marcel encouraged me.

The latter statement made me glance over to the other seats in the train compartment. 'I wonder if Annie is doing any better? I still have to thank her, even though she probably doesn't care.' I thought while staring at the blonde.

I let out a deep sigh and return my gaze to the three other boys around me. "Do you guys have any tips for the mission? My nerves are starting to get to me." I ask grasping for anything to help lower my anxiety.

They all seem to digest my question mulling it over in their minds, after a few seconds Bertholdt is the first to pipe up. "All I can tell you is to believe in us to back you up."

Next was Reiner "Well since your titan has its hardening ability I would say make sure to guard any Marleyean infantry or other Warriors with it."

Finally Marcel spoke up "Make sure you carefully survey the battlefield, we wouldn't want anything to sneak up on you."

I sat there absorbing the information before we all hear a booming voice call throughout our compartment "Listen up Warriors, we will be arriving in twenty minutes, be ready for departure shortly!"

We all stood up and saluted in unison. "YES SIR!"


Lightning as well as an enormous explosion could be seen in the distance as our attack had begun. The Commander debriefed us all when we had arrived at our destination. Our plan was simple, to discourage any future rebellion we need to bring the hammer down on all perceived challenges to Marley's authority.

The operation would begin with Bertholdt obliterating the military base on the outskirts of the capital city of Fennec, next our assault team of Reiner, Annie, and Marcel will advance upon any ground troops and outposts not within the initial blast radius and clear the outskirts. Our support team of Pieck, and I will protect our troops and support the assault teams advance. Finally Zeke will take the city proper swiftly with his army of pure titans. When the outskirts are cleared enough for Marley and Zeke has taken the city we will start our full scale advance, Bertholdt will then leave his titan signaling for all of us to converge on the city center.

I take a glance at Pieck who is already transformed and currently being outfitted with armor for her newly formed Panzer Unit. "Hey Pieck!" I call out to her gaining the Cart titan's attention. "Are you ready?" I ask the quadruped titan making her snort.

"Am I ready? You're the one who was shaking on the train here." She says stifling her laughter until she noticed something. "Nerves are getting worse huh? It's alright Zach we're a family we have each other's backs." She says trying to put me at ease. "Also we're the support unit so we shouldn't see much action anyway."

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