New Family Pt.3 Secrets

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3 Days Later

Zach POV:

"Have a good day Bertholdt! Tell your dad I hope he feels better." I say waving to my friend as I walk down the street.

"Stay safe Zach and I will." Bertholdt replied before closing his front door behind him.

It's been a few days since I stayed at Marcel's house, Annie had rejected my request immediately, but honestly that's what I was expecting, Pieck teased me for wanting to go over to a girls house but eventually caved and I met her father and had a good night. Last night though I stayed at Bertholdt's house which with his dad ill was mostly Bertholdt and I taking care of ourselves.

'All that's left is to go spend some time with Zeke and his family' I think to myself while continuing down the street. Traversing the internment zone has become trivial throughout the week and the locals have warmed up to me, most notably the families of my fellow warriors and Miss Beatrice.

'Now if what Bertholdt told me was right Zeke's grandparents should live right around here' I thought to myself as I rounded a corner only to see an automobile parked down the street in front of my destination. I quickly stopped in my tracks and hid behind the corner I had just passed.

'Huh I didn't think anyone in the zone owned an automobile' I instantly thought confused at what I was seeing. One of the doors passenger doors opened revealing a blonde teen I instantly recognized as my War Chief. 'Okay now I'm more confused, where did Zeke get the money for that?' My thoughts were now buzzing with the possibilities but before I could articulate them in my mind my blood went cold.

"Now I'm sure you understand how important this mission is correct?" A cold masculine voice uttered from the carriage.

"Yes Lord Tybur! I will exceed your expectations." Zeke stated without hesitation bowing in the direction of the vehicle.

"Good, now don't disappoint War Chief." The voice said before closing the door and ushering the automobile out of the zone.

I held my chest and started to breathe heavily 'THAT WAS WILLY'S VOICE! HE WON'T STOP UNTIL HE GETS ME BACK UNDER HIM!' I thought frantically 'HE WILL FIND A WAY I KNOW IT!' My thoughts were a jumbled cacophony of desperation and fear. I fell to the ground with my back against the wall hyperventilating.

I frantically looked to my left and right to see nobody currently on the same street as me. Knowing this I let myself cry, Willy's words from our last conversation echoing in my head. 'I bet you think you're smart, don't you?' I continued to sit there for what felt like hours trying and failing to control my breathing. 'I'm pathetic. I was deluding myself if I thought that one act of defiance would stop him.' I thought to myself as I bring my knees to my chest.

Annie POV:

'Ugh this is annoying' I think as I walk down the cobblestone street of the internment zone with bags in my arms full of food. "If only that old man would go on these grocery trips himself." I grumbled to myself continuing my walk until I hear something peculiar. 'Is someone crying?' I thought as I heard the cries get closer and closer.

Once I turned the corner I found the source, a single teary eyed blonde boy without an armband. "Oh it's just you." I said not caring for the boy. My words however don't have any impact on him as if he's completely shutdown. I lightly kicked him with my foot not getting any reaction from the crying boy. "Hey spoiled brat get up" I say this time just to get the same silence as before. Agitated this time I just decided to kick him full force in the side, when my leg lands the boy goes flying to the side in pain gasping from the sudden impact.

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