18. I am a food critique

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"So, V

Ahan," she started, leaning against the counter, "what's it like being the CEO of a company? Must be quite a responsibility."

Vihan gave her a sidelong glance, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Oh, it's a breeze, really. Just a daily walk in the park."

Iysa laughed, undeterred by his sarcasm. "I can tell you're a man of few words. But seriously, how do you handle the stress? Do you ever take a break and just have some fun?"

Ahan stirred the Maggi, his expression serious. "Fun? I don't have time for that. Being a CEO means working day and night, dealing with endless problems and making tough decisions."

Iysa leaned in closer, her curiosity unabated. "But you must have some hobbies or interests outside of work, right? Something that helps you unwind?"

Ahan raised an eyebrow, his tone dry. "Unwind? I'm not even sure I remember what that means."

Iysa giggled, her carefree attitude on full display. "Well, you should try it sometime. Life's too short to be all work and no play. Maybe you should take up a hobby or go on a vacation."

Ahan gave her a sceptical look. "A vacation? That's not on my agenda anytime soon. And as for hobbies, I barely have time for those either."

Iysa wasn't deterred by Ahan's grumpiness. She continued to pester him with questions and comments, her bubbly personality in stark contrast to his seriousness.

"You know, Ahan," she said, "you should try to enjoy life more. It can't be all work and no play. Have you ever gone bungee jumping or tried exotic foods from different countries?"

Ahan looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Bungee jumping? Exotic foods? I barely have time to relax, let alone do any of those things."

Iysa shrugged, undeterred. "Well, you should make time. Life's too short to be serious all the time."

Ahan let out an exasperated sigh. "Iysa, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but some of us have responsibilities and deadlines to meet."

Iysa laughed, her carefree attitude on full display. "Responsibilities and deadlines are important, but so is having fun. You should join me sometime. We'll do something wild and completely out of your comfort zone."

Ahan stirred the Maggi, his tone dry. "I'll pass, thanks."

As the Maggi finished cooking, Ahan had no intention of sharing it with Iysa. He had initially prepared it for himself, and his grumpy demeanour suggested that he wanted to savour it in solitude. However, Iysa couldn't resist poking fun at him.

Iysa playfully remarked, "You know, Ahan, it's impolite not to share. Besides, I heard Maggi tastes better when shared with someone."

Ahan looked at her with a raised eyebrow, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Impolite, huh? Well, I'll remember that for next time. But this Maggi is the result of my hard work and dedication."

Iysa couldn't help but grin mischievously. "Oh, I see. It's a masterpiece, then. A culinary creation worthy of a CEO."

Ahan sighed, his grumpiness not diminishing. "Let's not get carried away. It's just Maggi."

Iysa, determined to lighten the mood, made a comical pouty face. "But Ahan, sharing is caring, and I'm feeling very un-cared for right now."

With an exasperated sigh, Ahan finally relented. He took two bowls and divided the Maggi, passing one to Iysa. They both sat at the dining table, ready to enjoy their meal.

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