Chapter 49

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My parents were greatly surprised when they saw me in the house that day. Frustrated as I was, I threw a tantrum because they didn't tell me anything and my grandpa made me chill out with some ice cream.

I was mad because I was the last one to know about everything, always.

My grandma explained to me that my grandpa was the one who asked not to tell me since I was doing well in Seoul and was dating someone, he felt that it would just complicate things for me, and he was going back in some weeks anyway.

"I was brown there, and I will die there as well", he said that time.

I bawled like a kid when he said that. I regretted not spending more time with him when I could.

Sofia helped me to block my Korean SIM the next day, we had to do it fast because she was leaving in a few days as well. Her exchange program was coming to an end, and she was the only one I could trust with some personal information over there. I would have told Chan, but I had no way to talk to him. That really made me lose sleep at night.

I blocked both, the SIM and the phone. I feared something could be taken out of it. I think it was just a coincidence though, I don't think someone was aiming at it, I just had to take preventive measurements.

I wrote Chan a message on Instagram every single day in hopes he would see it, but I think it was an impossible thing to happen.

He was going to L.A thought, I had to make sure he saw me, even if we were uncommunicated for more than two months. So, I bought VIP tickets to get in the soundcheck and get a group photo with them. I didn't buy it for the photo, of course, but if he didn't see me at the soundcheck, that was the only and safest way we could meet face-to-face without me doing something crazy.

Little by little, I went back to my routine. I went to the office a couple of days of the week while in L.A., so I could spend some days at home with my grandparents too.

Since I was there already, I helped Richard to interview some people for the vacant positions, it was pretty urgent if we wanted to stop overworking ourselves.

"How come you are wearing a bracelet?" He asked me one day while we were working at the office.

"It's a present from my boyfriend", I said looking at it while organizing some papers for our upcoming meeting.

"Is that so? I thought you found them uncomfortable".

"Yeah, I did. I have got used to it already".

"Ah, maybe I should have given you one back then".

"Please, don't start with it. Can you?" I wasn't in the mood to handle him.

"Well, I should have guessed it was from him, you wear it every day. That necklace too".

"This is his, I just borrowed it". I touched the necklace in question. It was just a few days before I left Seoul, Chan gave me one of his necklaces, it was like a promise I was going back.

"Such a romantic... well, you like that stuff".

"Let's head to the meeting room", I hurried him getting up and leaving my desk first.

From the moment I set foot back in the office, Richard wouldn't stop mentioning my "new boyfriend". I didn't say much, but I don't know how he didn't notice he was pulling a sensible string.

Meeting Ella again made me feel nervous too. But when I got to our apartment, she wasn't there. I told her sister I was going back, but she never mentioned anything about Ella. Seems like she was in Mexico with her boyfriend and was coming back at the end of March.

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