Chapter 28

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"Hurry up!"

"Coming, coming!" I exclaimed grabbing my phone and sliding my cards and passport into my jacket's pocket.

I thought that after I woke up the first time, I slept for a couple of hours more but I didn't. We woke up slightly past 7 a.m. and there was not much we could do then. We tried to sleep again but just ended up picking on each other and making a tickles battle until I fell off the bed and Chan jumped out worriedly, still laughing though.

"Are you ok?"

"I hit my elbow", I twisted my face in pain.

"Sorry, I'm sorry", he helped me get up. "I couldn't catch you".

"I guess I lost", he rubbed my elbow.

"Really, I'm sorry".

"I'm fine. You can make up with one of these", I tapped my check signaling to him for a peck.

"You're getting cunning, uh?"

"I've been learning from you", I winked at him and he gave me a mischievous smile.

We went back to bed, not really for leisure, before deciding to order some coffee from a shop near the apartment, but they didn't have delivery that early on Sundays so we agreed on going and pick it up.

Chan offered to go by himself but I figured that on a Sunday at 8.30 a.m. there were not going to be many people around, the neighborhood was quiet and calm per se, so it was a great chance to take a walk with him.

I wanted to dress up but Chan insisted on going out quickly so I just put on sweatpants and the first hoodie I found in my closet.

"Are you cold?" He asked noticing I was tightening my scarf.

"I'm fine". I forgot that mornings were getting colder. "By the way, last night I noticed you were using a patch on your back. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I was just a bit sore". He said lazily.

I was worried when it came to this kind of thing but swallowed my feelings and words because I knew what he was going to say about it. I didn't feel I was in the right place to say something either.

We picked up our coffees and stopped by a convenience store to buy some ham. It was quite relaxing to be out at that hour.

Back at the apartment, I took out the cake and made toast and scrambled eggs to go with the ham.

We were planning on what to do later when Chan got some photos of Berry from his mom and started talking about the pretty furry. I swear; if I could choose a superpower, it would be teleportation so he could visit his family whenever he wanted.

Chan suggested going to the museum together, he knew it was my go-to activity on Sundays but he didn't really look like the type of guy who enjoyed walking around museums and gallery arts, so I told him to do something he liked. I still had more free time and freedom to go and do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, but he didn't. So our options went down to start watching an anime together and going to the arcade.

Chan seemed eager on going out that day so we decided to go to the arcade. I did my makeup quickly and was ready to go.

We didn't go out very often to start with, we knew it wasn't a very good idea and was safer to stay at my apartment, so knowing we were having a date outside was really exciting.

This was far from your average romantic date at the arcade to start with. It was more like friends competing and bickering with each other, which was way funnier, to be honest.

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