Chapter 47

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"Christopher, I think we will have to head back", I said as we got out of the airport lounge. Chan gave me a smirk.

"Why are you suddenly calling me that?" He giggled fixing his cap.

"Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders while he smiled before turning a bit more serious.

"Did you forget something?" He asked turning his face to me still walking ahead.

"You see... remember I said I would check on how to get to the rent-a-car on the plain?" He nodded. "Well, I didn't".

"I did".

"You did?" I asked surprised. I remembered seeing him asleep when I knocked off, we woke up when the speakers announced we were going to land too. "Did you check it?"

"Yeah", I looked at him confused. "I woke up the moment I felt you fell asleep, so I checked just in case".

"Is that so?"

"I can't really fall asleep in public. If I do, I'm like... half awake".

"Oh. You should have told me", I hopped locking his arm with mine.

"Why?" He was smiling all along.

Chan used to play dumb a lot, but he always knew what he was doing. I was aware of him being worn out, but I guess he noticed I was too and he remained awake so I could sleep assured. None of us was completely calm about this trip after what had been happening either, so I understand the sense of feeling that one of us should be on watch out when surrounded by people in places like that.

We were heads down to forget about everything once we got to our destination though.

I happily sang in my seat while Chan sang along and drove to the nearest convenience store to get some stuff we needed for the weekend.

We had rented a villa on the Northern shore of Jeju, with an ocean view and all. It was supposedly near to quite a few shops and restaurants but we didn't know if they were that near so we were buying things at the first store we passed by on our way there.

"Can we get some ice cream? I want ice cream" Said Chan as he leaned to see what was in stock.

"You want ice cream?" I walked over to him after grabbing marshmallows.

"This one, and this. This one too". He put them in the basket. "Which one do you want?" I chuckled seeing he was already picking one for me.

"That one is right".

"I already know", he said proud of himself. I always picked the same thing went it came to ice cream, seems like he already knew. "Do we need something else?" Chan started to check the goods.

"I don't think so". We had thrown in an insane number of snacks considering we were just the two of us.

"Maybe it's too much..." He hissed. "We can always bring back the rest with us, right?"


"Ok, let's get going". I followed suit but rushed the moment I saw him getting out of his wallet. "Why do you do this?" He complained.

"Let me be just this time", I kept pushing him back trying to get him away from the cashier.

"Are you sure?"

"I insist", he sighed and withdraw. To be honest, Chan paid for almost everything on that trip, and that made me feel a bit guilty, so the least I could do was pay for the snacks. "Cookies or ships?" I asked while he started the car again.

"I want my ice cream".

"Oh, right". I looked for it in the bags. "Which one?" He took a quick look at them.

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