Chapter 29

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I didn't know about Chan for days after that weekend. At first, I thought that something might have happened but I brushed the idea off and told myself he was just busy.

While he was gone, I got my bracelet and one of his hoodies. At that point, I was convinced he was always leaving one of them on purpose. It would be too weird if he just took one with him knowing he had left another behind multiple times. Moreover, they were always drawing on his cologne.

Thinking he did it deliberately make me stupidly happy. And I wore the damn hoodie every single day at home; even Richard noticed I was wearing Chan's hoodies at that point.

I started wearing the bracelet every day too. I didn't wear bracelets because I found them uncomfortable, they were always on the way when you were doing stuff, but it was Chan's gift, and I was going to wear it no matter what.

And I think he would have felt bad if he noticed I didn't wear it. It was better to get used to it before I saw him again.

On Monday, I went to the museum.

On Tuesday, to the cinema.

On Wednesday, I went to buy some books to study Korean. I abandoned the classes months ago, I think I just took two classes to be honest,  and since I mostly talked in English, I was losing the little progress I had had. I was setting myself to study again.

On Thursday, I went to a concert. There were few things I enjoyed more than that, for real. I went to see B.I, I loved his music, you could find him in each of my playlists. I always wanted to see him live too. And he was so kind to his fans! I even got my phone case signed, how about that?

On Friday, I was already wasted but accepted Hyeon-u's invitation anyway. We met in Itaewon for a drink and some small talk.

We stayed longer than I expected and when I decided it was time to go home, I was already tipsy.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He offered when we were heading out.

"I'm fine. It's still early, I'll take the bus. Thank you".

We parted ways and I headed to the bus stop. I have to concede I was pretty drunk, my head and limbs felt light and languish. It made me reconsider taking the bus and calling a taxi instead, and that's what I did.

There were a lot of people at the stop anyway, I was probably not going to be able to get in.

I was already in the taxi when I thought about texting Chan. I sent him a message on Wednesday but he never replied, and I didn't want to bother him so I didn't text him again.

"Hi", I added a heart. "I'm just going home after going out with a friend. How has your week been going? Did you have dinner?"

"I'm sorry!" He replied a few minutes later. "I forgot to reply to your message. It's been a hectic week. I did, on live. Did you not watch it?"

Live? I checked my notifications asap. He did go live about two hours ago.

"I didn't! I didn't notice... Guess you're happy about it tho". He laughed.

"Hm... I'm not sure. I'm kinda sad you didn't notice". Ok, so I had to know he was doing live but couldn't watch him; what is this, Chan?

"Don't say that!" Crying emoji.

"Where were you?"

"I went to Itaewon w-" I stopped typing midsentence recalling their first encounter. "Whatever", I thought. "-with Hyeon-u". He didn't respond for a few minutes.

"I'm almost done here, I'm at the studio, do you have time now?"

"I do! Do you want me to pick you up? I'm in the taxi already".

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