There she was, right before me. She had a few beer cans beside her, but she doesn't seem that drunk.

As I watched her play bass, she seemed to be really in the zone. Like she was in a different world. It was weird.

I'm assuming she plays in public occasionally, right?

She finishes her song, the crowd applauds including me. She notices me and gives a rather big noticeable wave.

Kinda making me pretty noticeable here you know?

"Oh hey Y/N! Didn't see ya there hehehe!"

Yeah I take back what I said, She's totally drunk.

"How have you been? It's been a bit. What brings you here to decide to busk?"

"Well it's funny ya mention that cuz I got a gig today and I have one more ticket to sell. So I've been busking trying to give away this ticket."

"You're performing today?! What time?!"

"7 o'clock!"

"Ah... I see."

Kikuri frowns.

"What's wrong?"

That's around dinnertime. But I think my mom would understand.

"N-No it's nothing. So uhh.... could I have the ticket?"

She instantly hands it over to me.

"Here ya go!"

"Thanks! I can't wait to see you play!"

"Hehe, hope ya enjoy!"

She awkwardly scratches the back of her head.

"Well, we still have some time before then. Wanna get some drinks? Oh wait that's right you're underaged."

"Why do you love drinking so much anyway?"

"What made me start was to stop the nervous feeling before gigs, but I do it now to run away from my problems!" She says while laughing hysterically.

That's sad...

"Have you ever thought of other ways to make yourself happy besides drinking?"

Kikuri looks at me with her serious look, revealing her purple eyes.

"No, because I love drinking. What's gotten you so curious about me?"

"I don't know... I just feel like drinking will only make you happy in the moment you know? You'll go back to being sad once you're sober. But then again I feel like your band must make you happy too."

Kikuri pats my back.

"Did my talk with you before change you that much? You've changed. I'm guessing your talk with the band went well."

I smile happily.

"It sure did! Thank you... Really, you helped me a lot getting the motivation to say it all."

Kikuri looks at me in the eyes and smiles.

"Glad I could help."

"Say uh... can I talk to you about something?"

She tilts her head.

"Sure. Let's go to a better place first don't ya think?"


We head to a nearby café. I ordered tea while Kikuri orders beer of course.

"Well, what's up?"

Here I go.

The Two Introverts (Bocchi X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now