XVI. Maybe in Another Life (THE FINALE)

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It has been 3 days since the Death Lord disappearance. No one knows where he had vanished to, not even the higher up, not even the other deity. Jongwoo had been living in the big house with his cat, Luna alone for the past 3 days.

The grim reaper spell had worked. Jongwoo had 'forgotten' every single memories about  the death lord but even though he did, Jongwoo felt empty and he doesn't know why. He felt like he lost a type of happiness when he was with a certain someone—or his previous lover. Jongwoo felt miserable.

Okay I lied, the grim reaper mind controlling spell did not worked on Jongwoo, although Jongwoo pretended that it had worked anyway. Why didn't it work you might wonder? I have no idea either. Is it fate and destiny that the deities had set for them? Is the death lord only  supposed to live in Jongwoo's memories forever?

Everywhere Jongwoo go in the house, he would see the grim reaper. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw the grim reaper stood there cooking. When he was in the living room, he saw them sitting on the couch making physical contact for the first time, although he might saw those silhouette of him, those were only his memories.

When he walked into Moonjo's room, the bittersweet memories came back to him. How Moonjo kissed him to retrieve his memories and his vanishing. Jongwoo's heart ached at the thought of that memories. He always sat down on the bed and cried.

He tried to be normal when he go outside, to his college and to his workplace. He put on a happy smile and pretended to forget everything. But was the smile really happy? Now that is the only thing Jongwoo knows.

Jongwoo wanted to know where the grim reaper had gone to. He wanted to know if he had vanished into nothingness or a land full of nothing but cold, white, thick snow. He wanted to be there by the grim reaper side, to felt his presence, to hug him again even this his hugs or touch are all cold. Jongwoo desperately missed him.

Sometimes in his own empty house, he tried to hurt himself but he couldn't. He couldn't bare to see the hurt look on his previous lover face when he knew that he had tried to hurt himself.

Jongwoo was angry at Moonjo for trying to use his mind controlling power on him because Moonjo had promised not to but Jongwoo knew that Moonjo wanted him to move on and was just trying to help him.

Is this gonna be Jongwoo life from now on? Living in constant emptiness?

Maybe this is their punishment, Jongwoo's punishment for those murderous acts he had committed. Maybe meeting each other was both of their punishment. Being able to meet each others again but never being able to get close or grow old together or this could be a blessing in disguise for Moonjo.

Maybe them meeting each other helped Moonjo realized the beauty of life once again and make him wants to become a mortal again. Maybe this is also another reason why for his disappearance so that he could be reborn into this world again.

Or maybe this is just the end for the both of them. Maybe this is the last encounter that they will have, the last one. Ever.

In another life, I hope they will finally get to be together, no craziness, no murders, no death lords but just them. Taking each other hands and be lovers. Maybe in another life, they'll finally have their happy ending.

But now you know that once upon a time, the empty and dark life filled with unhappiness of the death lord had been brighten up by a certain person, someone who he was not supposed to meet again.

Once upon a time, you now that that there was a Grim reaper named Seo Moonjo who had found his joy but his sorrow at the same time.

—————The End—————

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