IX. The Death lord's kindness

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Jongwoo's POV

"I don't think I should buy this" I sighed as I put down a room decoration back on the shelf. "Why? Don't you want it to go into your room?" The grim reaper asked as he tightened gripped on the shopping cart handle. "It's too expensive.." I sighed as I began looking at other decorations that are cheaper.

"But you like it right?" "Yes but it's too expensive and besides you already bought a lot of things for me" the grim reaper said nothing but then he took the decorations that I had just put down into the cart. "It's fine, I can handle it"

I smiled at him brightly as I said thank you and he slightly smiled back. It went on like that for a while with the handsome grim reaper spoiling me and feeding me with food and drinks. After I decided that I got all of my stuff, the handsome grim reaper went up to the cash register to pay for the stuff and it came to a total of...well.. a lot.

After he paid for it, we carried all of the stuff and loaded it in the back of the grim reaper's car. He told me that he learnt to drive some years ago to fit in with the mortals in this world which is pretty reasonable but I still don't know where he got so much money from.

He closed the trunk and we got inside the car. I sat at the passenger side as we both wear seatbelts and he began to drive away.

"Are you hungry?" The handsome grim reaper asked me. "Not really.. but I wouldn't mind if we get ice cream" the grim reaper said nothing except nodded.

He ended up taking me to the mall instead, a luxurious mall. "This is where I usually get my clothes.. go head, pick anything you want" "are you kidding me?! This place is so out of my budget and you shop here on a daily basis?!" "It's not everyday but when I shop, I come here"

Seriously how can a grim reaper be so much richer than me.. "I can hear your thoughts, darling" what?! So does that mean he could hear the comments I've made about him?! "I could hear them, dear but I chose not to talk just in case you would want to vanish into thin air"

"What?!" My jaw is wide opened now, this grim reaper is seriously incredible! "And to answer your questions.."—he urged for me to continue on walking as he talks—"I don't know how I have these much money either" "Life is so unfair.. you suddenly have all of these money while I have to actually work my ass off to earn money" I said followed by a slight whine which earned a chuckled from the handsome grim reaper.

"You don't have to worry about expenses living with me.. now come on let get you some clothes, love" "okay—hold on what did you just call me?!" I stopped to stare at him in total shock.

"Darling, I've been calling you that for a while now and you've just noticed it?" "What?! Since when!" "I guess you were too busy throwing a tantrum about money that you completely let them slips.." he smiled as he walked towards me.

"Come on let's go darling"

We are currently sitting in a diner waiting for our food. After the handsome grim reaper bought me clothes, he insisted on taking me to eat since it's also getting quite late. "Hyung" I called out to the grim reaper. The grim turned his gaze to me "Thank you for today" "why are you thanking me?" "I mean.. no one really do this for me—let alone actually acknowledge my existence.. this is a first. Thank you so much" He looked shock but then he gave me the most gorgeous smile he has ever shown.

"Darling, you deserved it" as we talked more about some random stuff, our food finally arrived. I've got the traditional rice cake and some fish cake as the grim reaper just got himself a milkshake.

"You didn't order any food"

"I did"

"it's a drink"


I gave him a smile as I offered him to eat some of my food but he declined and said he'll cook for himself at home.

I've just finished eating the food and now we are just waiting to pay. "Are you ready to go?" The grim reaper asked me. "Oh yes let me go to the bathroom first—" "Jongwoo?!" I got cut off by someone calling my name. I turned around to the direction of the voice and I was shocked to see who it was.

"Wahh!! It's really Yoon Jongwoo from 6th grade! It's me Seokyun!!" "Of course I recognize you! It's been ages you suddenly exchanged school, where did you go?" "Ah..I had some urgent family business so I had to go to America"

The whole time, the grim reaper was so silent as he also has a dark expression on his face and that's really creepy.

"Can I sit here? You guys are not leaving right?" "Oh not at all! Please take a seat" I shot the handsome grim reaper an apologetic look as Seokyun took a sit on the chair next to the grim reaper.

"Oh I haven't seen you there! My apologies, what's your name?" Seokyun cheerfully asked the grim reaper in which grim reaper said nothing but gave him a dark look.

"..okay! Anyway, Jongwoo we should totally hang out next time!" "Yeah! I need to use the restroom first, I'll be back"

I left the two of them at the table to go to the restroom. Hopefully they won't kill each other..

Moonjo's POV

Jongwoo left me alone with this kid whom I've just met for the first time and already hated him since he took my darling attention away from me.

"So mister, who are you?" That Seokyun guy asked me but it annoyed me, I really want to kill him.

I turned to look at him in the eyes. "Can you look into my eyes for a moment" he did what I asked him as I started using my mind control power on him.

"Walk out of this diner right now and never tries to contact Jongwoo again" and just like that, he left as what he was told to do.

Jongwoo's POV

I came back to only seeing the handsome grim reaper at the table, out of his seat. "Where's Seokyun?" "Who?" He asked me. "You know.. the guy who you death glared at?" "Oh him? He had some business to take care off and left immediately" how strange...

"It's really isn't strange at all, darling" "I still forgot you can read my mind"

"Come on let's go home"

I have finals for two days starting from tomorrow 🥰

The Grim Reaper and his Joy and Sorrow | Moonjo x Jongwoo | GRIM REAPER AU | BXBWhere stories live. Discover now