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After Eris had eaten up, he had grabbed me and winnowed me into some bedroom and there he fucked me. A lot. Many times, until I could walk, stand or even think anymore. We didn't leave the room for almost a whole week. But I had insisted on wanting to go to the meeting in my world so we had to leave the room at some point. And Rhys had been right, the governments were desperate to get answers to anything and another meeting was scheduled right after. Before we left all together, I took Eris home to meet my parents. They weren't amused and I couldn't blame them, not after leaving so suddenly with no way of contacting them. Eris offered them to come live with us in the palast but they chose not to.
After returning to the Autumn Court, Eris and I had one more day before the duty called. He had to run a whole court and while he offered to make me High Lady, I didn't want that. I was 19 years old. I wasn't ready. Instead, I started making the palast look more friendly with decor of any kind, my hound guards at my side all the time. I went to visit the staff of the castle and introduced myself properly, which they all took with a surprise. I visited the smith and asked for a saddle for Pyrogael because flying bareback was just hurtful after a while. Elliora taught me about manners and protocol but she also told me that Eris didn't expect me to act that way. Lucien visited quite frankly, and Nyx came and went as he pleased, our friendship as strong as it had been before all this mess had started. Whenever I left the castle and went into the nearby city, people bowed to me, whispers of prayers dedicated to me followed my every step. Everyone treated me with kindness and respect. But after three weeks after Berons death, one thing was still left to do. Eris had offered to winnow me, but I wanted to feel the sky, a feeling I quickly became addicted to. There wasn't a day I wasn't flying for at least an hour.
Mor finally came home. And it was time for me to face her.
We met up in Feyre's home and when I entered the living room I saw her smile fade away the second she breathed my scent in. Intertwined with his.
"No." Was all she said. Hurt flashed in her eyes and I wanted to turn around and run. But that wouldn't be fair, to either one of us.
"Mor," I tried, but she violently shook her head.
"He is my mate, Mor!" I knew I sounded pleading but I couldn't even care about that.
"He is a monster!" She spat and sprung to her feet, rage radiating from her.
"He is not." She scoffed and actually hissed at me. I felt Eris tucking at the bond, feeling my surprise.
"You know what he did to me!"
"I know what you said he did!" I answered, in the same voice as hers, the instinct to protect my mate crashing into my soul.
"What he did was wrong but that wasn't all that happened, right? There is more to the story." Mor fell silent, not being able to lie but unwilling of speaking the truth. Instead, she shook her head again, looking at me with utter disgust.
"You are dead to me." She growled before storming past me. When I was alone, I sighed defeated before retreating as well. That hadn't gone as I had planned but I wouldn't apologize for accepting my mate. I would never do that.
I had lost Mor, probably forever. But I still had the hope of us someday working it out.
Mounting Pyrogael, we rose in the sky. I was immortal now. Mor and I had an eternity to fix our friendship. I just hoped she was willing to do so.
Flying back to the Autumn Court would take me about 11 hours, but I enjoyed the wind in my hair and the adrenaline pounding through my veins. I was heading home. I closed my eyes and put my head back in my neck, raising my arms above my head to feel the wind hit me everywhere. Home. I was home.

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