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The boys get into a little scrimmage in the woods

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The boys get into a little scrimmage in the woods ...

As I drove down the Athens Road, I told Jason about Mark Rydell and Andy Miller. His reaction was exactly as I expected.

"That fucking dickbag! He's queer-bashing us and Ernie when he's a big homo himself? And forcing himself on a kid who can't fight back? Man, I'd like to wring his neck and break his fucking face. And a mother hunchin' few other things."

"Me too," I agreed, as I rounded the corner onto my street by Emma's house. "But we can't. We'd get in trouble. But maybe we can catch him at it next time he forces Andy to go with him."

Jason nodded. "Right. Sounds like he likes Andy and wants to make out, but Andy isn't interested. Of course not! A cute kid like Andy wouldn't like a big dork like Mark. Jeez!" he pounded on the dashboard with his fist. "He painted up my car with all that fag and queer stuff, and here he's chasing after a pretty boy half his size?"

"We should've expected it. It seems the worst homophobes out there are queers who can't accept it in themselves. They internalize it and go nuts and then pound it out on others."

"Yeah, except my dad," Jason gruffed. "He's worse than them all, and he's straight."

I turned to look at him. "I know you're upset about your dad, but I really think his anger has more to do with football than homophobia."

He slouched over onto me, his head on my shoulder. "Yup, you hit it right on the head, Johnny. That's the real problem. He's been dreaming about having one of those gaudy championship rings since I was a little boy. His boss at the insurance company's main office in Columbus has one. An Ohio State championship ring from when his son was on the team and they won the Big Ten title. They're about as big as a Volkswagen, all ruby red and gleaming diamond-like jewels. He's told me about it a hundred times. They let the players get one or two extras for their dads or buds."

I cringed at the idea of it. Mr. Landon had made Jason a football Frankenstein so he could someday have one of the hottest status symbols in the sports world. "He'll get over it. His bubble's just been burst. Same as ours have. Think about it for a moment, the kind of man he is. And he's just learned that his manly quarterback son is a queer and in love with his wide receiver boyfriend."

What a hoot. I even chuckled about it.

Jason screwed up his face at me. "What the hell you laughing about?"

"Come on, dude," I urged. "Be realistic. Almost any straight man like your dad is gonna go mental at the idea. He doesn't get it why one dude's sexually attracted to another. And he sure doesn't know, like you do, how majorly awesome it is to be sleeping with me and fucking me."

That got a hoot out of him. He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek. "You are such a whore, Johnny. And I love it. Now I got an instant flash of my dad fucking your brains out. So sexy."

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