Chapter 38

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Granger needs a distraction. We both do, so we don't just sit here and stare. I call for Suz who appears at once, and I ask for another chocolate lava cake. Two spoons, again, and I'm going to use mine this time.

If the scars are gone tomorrow, we'll have banana splits for breakfast. Both of us.

Jasper appears holding a bottle of wine and two goblets. "Suz says the Miss looks upset. Is the Miss alright?"

Indeed, her eyes are extremely red, her cheeks a little flushed. The streaks from the tears are still visible. Granger wipes her nose and gives a small laugh. "Yes, Jasper, I'm fine. Tell Suz thank you. What's that for?"

"Suz told Jasper to bring it while she bakes the cake. And to offer to run the Miss a bath if she wants."

Actually, a bath while drinking wine sounds... brilliant. Divine, almost. I can tell Granger is thinking along the same lines but we both say, "No, thank you," and look at each other. I'm smiling and I can tell she's biting back a grin. Neither of us want to risk washing off the lotion.

"Maybe tomorrow, Jasper," I say, taking the goblets and wine from him. "Thank you."

He dips low in a bow and vanishes. I look over at Granger, her eyes locked once again onto her left forearm. "I think I'm going to send Suz with you when you go."

She looks up at me, stunned. Distraction accomplished, and I wasn't really even trying for it. "What do you mean?"

"She takes such good care of you. And you won't even need the Floo. Her Apparition magic is better; untraceable." Unless my father calls her back. Hmm. Going to have to research that one a bit; Suz is mine, but my father's rule here circumvents my own. Either way, Suz could Apparate Granger out and as long as she's not touching Granger when my father calls her back...

It's better than the Floo. The untraceable Apparition alone makes the risk better, and I'll work on making it permanent. If this lotion really works, I'll have time to spare - for the next few days, anyway.

"I don't like it when you talk like this," Granger tells me quietly. "About when you're going to send me away."

"Well, I don't think of it as 'sending you away' as much as 'getting you to safety.' Maybe just reframe it a little," I recommend, and she wrinkles her nose at my playfully condescending tone before I get serious again. "It's going to be necessary."

"Not if Harry kills him," she insists. Stubborn witch. Lovely witch.

"If Harry kills him, you can leave or not leave of your own accord," I agree, not letting myself believe for a second that she'd stay. "But I'll be standing trial alongside my father for war crimes, crimes against humanity."

I see the set of Granger's jaw, the look in her eyes that says she's only getting started with something, narrowed and piercing. Vexed. Suz pops back in, just in time, lava cake in hand and I pour us some wine.

"I can't have a house elf," she asserts after we're alone again and eating.

Ah, this should serve as a perfect distraction. "Of course you can. She adores you. You can offer to pay her, and she might even take it. The only thing I don't recommend is giving her clothes; tell her she can use her wages to buy something if she likes, but if you try to give her some she'll assume you don't want her. You'll break her heart."

Giving me a flat look over her cake, Granger actively blocks my spoon so she can get a specific bite from the melty middle. Now she's cross with me. I stifle a laugh. "Would you like more duelling practise after pudding?"

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