Chapter 19

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We're in the Hogwarts library, and she's not looking for a book. She's looking around her, scanning the room, and my heart leaps into overdrive.

"Hello, Granger."

She sees me, and a wide smile splits her face. It's still closed over her teeth, crinkling the corners of her eyes instead, lifting slightly more up one side of her mouth like she might be trying to suppress it. But she can't. I see the look on her face, in her eyes.

My girl.

I close the gap in two strides and press my lips to hers, as she winds her hands up the back of my neck through my hair.

"You're back," Granger breathes against my mouth, and I can't stop the gooseflesh on my arms. "I thought it would be longer. You said it would be, so I -"

I kiss her, interrupting her words. I want to promise it'll never be long, I never want it to be long, but I know it's far too much to say too soon. It's only been two days.

I fall into another hole of desperate longing instead, working my mouth up the side of her neck to her ear. "I missed you."

I want to ask a dozen things: how's her new dorm, has she been bored - is she remembering how much time passes - how was seeing Krum? But faced with her in the flesh, right now, all of that sounds awful. It can wait. The only thing I want to do is feel her skin under my hands.

I want to make sure she never thinks about an ex-boyfriend. Granger's the only one that matters to me. I want to be the only one who matters to her.

Running my hands down her sides, I love the sharp curve from her waist out to her full hips, then around to her delectable arse. I haven't paid nearly enough attention to that but she doesn't get anything out of it, really, so I force myself to wait. I can't help gripping it in my hands, though, squeezing her into me as her hands slide under my shirt.

This witch will be the death of me, I think, as her nails follow what feels like every muscle I have on my front; every one is clenched tight. And now she's got one solitary fingernail moving down my stomach.

Swallowing hard, I move my mouth to her ear and relish the way she shivers under me. Gripping her arse, I pull her up and onto my waist.

Granger wraps her legs around me, crossing her ankles behind me and I know she can feel my heart racing against her chest. I walk us over to the larger study table to our right and set her down on it. She keeps her heels behind my thighs, keeping me pressed tightly against her and I need to breathe.

Fuck, if I'm not careful tonight, I'll be back to my earliest imaginings of her. I drop my forehead onto the top of her head as she starts tugging my shirt up. I let her, doing my best to keep a slight mental distance from what my dick is trying to do between her legs.

('Please, Draco')

I roll my jaw and need to focus, just for a minute, but I behave myself and raise my arms so she can tug off my shirt.

"I want you," she whispers into my neck, and my mind short-circuits again, my vision going white.

I was so completely unprepared for this. I should have wanked, not counting the Occlumency I should have done. Instead, I wasn't thinking about seeing her before Friday. I wasn't thinking about this at all

('show me how')

and now I'm going to bite through my own lip trying to keep control.

I have to forestall this long enough to get some semblance of restraint back. I'll overwhelm her otherwise. I have to get out from between her legs, even if we're still clothed from the waist down. Strategically, I step back an inch while I work her own shirt up.

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