Chapter 1

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Graphic depictions of violence in the final chapters. Rape/non-con is abstract. Reader is aware of it but I don't write the scenes.

"Have you seen the new fics?" Blaise asks me as I walk into the main entry hall, sipping from my morning coffee. It's still hot and I wince.

Trying to smother a cough from the scorch down my throat, I ask, "I guess not, if I haven't heard about it. What have they come up with now?"

"They've added more of the castle and the Quidditch field. I heard they're working on recreating deeper parts of Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade next."

I raise my eyebrows, only partially interested. I'm surprised Blaise is bringing it up, to be honest. Blaise hasn't been much interested in the fics, either. "Why are you telling me?"

Slightly offended, he lifts his hands in surrender. "They're really getting into the... sport of it. I thought some of the new details might be more tempting for you, that's all. I love them."

We both bypass this lie, as it's not safe to say it openly. I can't help but needle him a little, though. Old habit. "Which details?"

"Which details do I love, or which details do I think you'll love?" He's grinning at me now, the wide one with the trademark Zabini teeth.

I'll humor him. "Both."

He lifts a brow and I realise for the first time I might be in trouble. "They've added some of the core classrooms and common areas. The Great Hall. The library." He eyes me with this one, waiting for a reaction.

I react more with Blaise than anyone else, but I give him nothing to work with. "Mm. I'm sure they're working hard."

"The more popular it is, the harder they work," he agrees, indirectly declining to press me any further. I appreciate it.

"Who's designed the new ones?" I'm honestly curious, and I sip my coffee again as we walk. It's a much better temperature.

Dolohov, Rowle, and Thicknesse had done the first batch. Their enthusiasm for the project was... unfortunate. Other 'consultants' have been brought in to diversify the offerings, but Dolohov has stayed in charge of the overall thing.

'Thing'... I ruminate. Not the right word. But neither is 'project,' or 'experience,' or 'abomination.' The last one is probably closest, though.

These thoughts are verging on hazardous. I take a quick glance around. Nobody in sight but us. I mask my features anyway, trying to loosen my tight jaw. I take another drink of coffee to force it.

"Flint," Blaise starts a list, "Pucey, Bletchley. Recent students. They needed their input for accuracy and detail – or so I was told."

He shrugs this off, and it makes sense. The consultants required for certain fics tended to vary. "I'm not sure who will be up for the design work on the Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade expansions."

I hope fervently it isn't me. Or for his sake, Blaise. We aren't exactly experts in those areas, but is anyone? I don't know why they're bothering anyway, as if anybody could be particularly driven to choose the apothecary off Diagon Alley. Who cares?

But the more options they can offer, the more interest they seem to get. It continues to spur Dolohov's unfortunate enthusiasm.

Blaise yanks me from this train of thought. "Carrow is asking if we'll stop by sometime this week, give a couple of the new fics a test before they roll them out to everybody else. Since you haven't seen them yet, I was sent to ask you to take a look."

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