A Letter

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Hello there! 

                     How are you? I hope you're doing fine. 

                     Before anything else, I want to apologize for not updating this story regularly. It took a while, but yes When I Met You has come to an end. How did you find the story? I'm crossing my fingers that you like it. 

                     A lot of unfortunate things happened these past few months that made my routine different. Life has become rough for us. It became like a chaos. Everything seemed to fall into the wrong places. 

                    I'm okay now, not totally, but I'm getting better. I'm moving forward every day. :)

                   It was just recently that I was able to continue writing again. Writing this story became so hard since it was somewhat related to the cause of my dad's death. 

                   He passed away due to complications of his squamous cell carcinoma. It was hard to continue writing this because I always remembered the things we'd been through just to extend his life. But maybe God has other plans, he took him to rest with Him. At least we wouldn't see him in pain anymore. I know he's happy where he is now.

                   I'm putting this book to rest as well. Not sure you will like it, but I am really not okay to continue this anymore. I'm really sorry. 

                    Comments are welcome. You can criticize or give advice, too. :) Thank you for reading and waiting. Till the next one?                    

                    Stay safe and healthy, everyone! 

Love lots,


When I Met YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz