Part 12

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Months seemed like years. A lot of good things happened and Fluke and I were just so in love. There were a few problems, but those were just misunderstandings that weren't solved before the day ended. Two days from now, we would be celebrating our sixth month-sary. Yes, I told Fluke that we should celebrate our union every month. It didn't matter if it was grand or simple, as long as we did something special. Well, just being with him was always special for me. Cuddling on the bed would be a great idea, right?

"Hey, Baby? How are you?" I asked as soon as Fluke answered the call.

"Great. I was very productive today." 

"Really?" I asked and he hummed in reply. "Tell me about your day."

I couldn't remove the smile on my face as I listened to him telling about his day and giving him hums of encouragement not to disrupt him from talking. Fluke was the quiet type of person but could be very talkative to people he was comfortable with, and I was very glad I was one of those people. 

He also became close with Boun. They were really like brothers now. Whenever they see each other, they both continued talking and I became somehow invisible, which I didn't mind because I was glad Fluke had made a good friend. Not only Boun was he closed with now, but also Prem, Boun's boyfriend. I remembered their first meeting. I didn't expect that reaction from Fluke when Boun introduced Prem to him.  

Fluke cried as soon as he laid eyes on Prem. Not just the teary-eyed kind, but he was sobbing like a kid. He immediately walked over to Prem and hugged him. 

Prem was so confused at what was happening as well as Boun and me. I went over to him and caressed his back to calm him down. 

"I'm so sorry." He said once he stopped sobbing. 

"What happened?" Prem asked worriedly. 

"Uhm. . ." He was kinda hesitant to tell us but when he saw that all of us were waiting for him to continue, he said, "You look like my Team, my best friend." 

"Really? Where is he now?" Prem asked.

"He died two years ago," Fluke answered. I held him in my arms to comfort him as he continued, "I met him during my first year getting treatment for my cancer. He had leukemia. He had it ever since he was twelve. We became close since we were both in and out of the hospital. We shared the same interest which was music." I continued rubbing his back as he talked about Team.

We were all silent until Prem talked. "I like music too. And we could be best friends, too, if it's okay with you."

"Really?" Fluke looked at him expectantly and Prem nodded. "I would love that."

"Tell me about Team," Prem said, took Fluke's hand, and gently pulled him away from me to the living room. 

Nowadays, Prem and he spent time together whenever Prem had free time from work. He usually came with Boun that's why the four of us became really close.

"That was great, Baby," I said as soon as he finished telling me everything he did today. "Did you even get some rest? As much as I liked everything you said, you know that I don't want you to get tired."

"I did. Promise!" He said giggling. "Don't worry about me. Dad is with me. He wouldn't let me get tired, you know."

"Good then," I said and sighed.

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