Part 9

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"Okay, it's a wrap!" The photoshoot director said as soon as the last shot was approved by the company's representative. "Good job, everyone!"

I politely wai-ed to the production staff to thank them for a job well done. I was happy that the photoshoot was done smoothly and with no delay. I wanted to go home right away, for I already missed Fluke.

"Ohm!" One of the company's representatives called before I could go to the dressing room. "The company is going to treat everyone to dinner. It's a reward for a job well done. Do you have other appointments after this?"

"Oh. Thank you for the invite, but I'll take a raincheck this time." I said smiling shyly. "I have something important to do."

"Oh. . . Is that so? We understand. Thank you for a great job as always. We're looking forward to working with you again."

"Thank you so much. Just call my manager for work." I said and wai-ed at him.

"What is that something important you have to do? You don't have any appointments after this. I already told you about that, remember?"

"Home. I'm going HOME. That's the important appointment I need to do." I said with a bright smile, thinking of Fluke.

"Ah. . ." P' News nodded. "You missed your home?" 

"So much. I can't wait to be home." 

"I'll fix everything here, so you can leave now. I will just bring your things to your condo. Just bring the ones you need." 

"Yay! You're the best Phi," I said and hugged him. 

"I know right." He smirked. "Say Hi to everyone for me. Especially to Fluke." 

"Sure thing. What time will you be there tomorrow?"

"In the afternoon. I still have to go to the company to tell them about your decision not to renew your contract and to finalize all other remaining work you need to do." He explained.

I nodded in understanding. "Thank you, Phi. I'm sorry if I can't be there with you."

"It's okay. It's my job anyways. Go now and stay with Fluke. I'll be with you tomorrow."

"Thanks, Phi," I said, took my things, and left.


As soon as I arrived, I looked for Fluke. I found him in our room with my sister. And yes. . . we started staying in his room since we got engaged, I didn't enter the room and just listened to their conversation.

"P' Fluke. . ." Pine started and Fluke just hummed. "How did you know that my brother was the one for you? I mean. . . it's not been long since you met each other. Do you think that's enough to know that he's the one?"

"When we first met, conversation flowed naturally. It was never awkward. You know what they say? When you're with your soul mate, you'll feel like you've known them forever. When he told me he wanted me to be his boyfriend even in my condition, I felt like he was really willing to be with me for good. But I was kinda hesitant at first because you know. . . my future is unclear. . . However, the sincerity I saw in him made me agree and accept him. Then later on, as days go by, he continues to show me how good of a person he is. And with him, I can show him all sides of me. . . the good, the bad, the messy, and the emotional. . . you know." He said and chuckled. "With Ohm, I can feel stronger and want to fight more. He is someone who roots for you, appreciates you, and supports you, even if that means he has to make a sacrifice or two."

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