Part 2

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We'd already been chatting and getting to know each other for a couple of hours that we didn't even realize it when his phone suddenly rang. I was surprised at the familiar tune I heard. I looked at him as he answered it.

"Hi, Daddy! You're done for today?" He asked. He noticed that I was looking. "Wait, Dad! I'll introduce you to a new friend!" He then put the call on speaker mode. I suddenly felt nervous. "Say hi to my dad. Dad, I made a new friend. His name is Ohm."

"Uhm. . . Hi, sir!" I greeted nervously.

"A friend?!?" The man on the other line asked.

"Uhm. . . yeah?!" Fluke said. "Daddy, he's a good person. He helped me look after my things while I went for a walk."

"How did you know he's not going to do anything wrong to you, especially since you're alone there?"

"Dad, relax. I just know that he's a nice person. And. . ."

I interrupted him and decided to talk to his dad. "Ah. . . Sir, with all due respect, I can assure you that I won't do anything bad to Fluke."

"How can I be sure?" He asked still with anger. "What's your real name? Do you have any social media, linked in, resume, or whatever it is to prove that you are not a bad person?"

I even got more nervous with his dad's questions. I knew he would not approve of me if he knew that I was a celebrity.

I let out a deep sigh, then looked at Fluke, "you can just search me up on google, Sir. Ohm, that's O - H - M. Thitiwat, that's T - H - I - T - I - W - A - T."

"Wait for a while. Ohm. . . Thitiwat. . . Ritprasert? Is that your surname?" He asked and I answered yes. "Wait, a Wikipedia?!? Is this really you?"

"Uhm. . . yes?" I said hesitantly, but still looking at the man beside me.

"You're a celebrity? What the. . .?"

"Dad! Watch your words." Fluke interrupted.

"Sweetheart, he's a celebrity, a well-known actor. His fans might see you with him, you. . . you. . . might be in danger if they see you together. You. . ."

"Dad! I said calm down. Nothing's gonna happen, okay? I know he's going to protect me if anything bad happens." He explained while throwing a glare at me. "Right, Ohm?"

"Of course. I won't let anyone hurt you."

That statement made Fluke at ease. But he might have realized that he wasn't able to ask me such an important question. He would definitely ask me a lot about this so-called job that I had after he calmed his dad up.

"Heard that, Dad?"

"Yeah. But still keep your distance from him, sweetie. I'm on my way there. Wait for me." He said as he ended the call.

Fluke let out a sigh after the call as if to calm himself as well.

"I'm sorry. Your dad got angry because of me."

"You didn't do anything wrong. He's just too protective over me. He's always like that. And maybe it's just worse now because you're a celebrity." He explained. "Wait, why didn't you tell me you are an actor?"

"We just didn't go there yet. I didn't want to spoil our conversation and just suddenly tell you about that. The flow of our conversation was quite smooth. We didn't even notice the time. And frankly, my friends would surely be surprised to know that I talked a lot today." He chuckled. "They'll sure tease me a lot about that."

"Friends. I bet you have a lot of people around you." He asked curiously.

"Nope. Not really that many. I can say I've got a few really good friends in the industry. They are the ones who know me well. Others I consider as acquaintances I meet at work and the fans."

"Your friends are actors, too? And you've got a lot of fans!" He exclaimed, then he shut his mouth and whispered, "I'm sorry. I'll be quiet." Then he looked around to see if people noticed him. He let another sigh when he didn't see anyone around except the two of them.

"You're cute. It's okay. If there are people, I don't mind, I'm not doing anything wrong." Then I pinched his cheeks. Did I tell you that he had soft fluffy cheeks?

"Ouch. . " he said jokingly and removed my hands. "So what? You're really that famous?"

"How do you pick the songs that you listen to?"

"Huh? Why are you changing the topic now?"

"Just answer me, please?" I then reached and caressed his face.

"I just stream songs and listen to them, then if I find something good, I buy then save. That simple. So?"

"So you don't even know who the singers are?"

"Sorry. Guilty."

"Your ringtone is my song. I was lucky enough to have recorded it."

"Eh?!? Really? But that's. . ." He started looking at his music list. "Oh. . . right. . . it's your name." I smiled softly. Then he eyed me. "I need to see that Wikipedia thing that my dad was saying." He mumbled while searching on his phone. "Wait. . . oh here. . ." he was quietly reading the details then, "Oh my goodness, it is really you." He looked at me and then at the picture on his phone.


"Wait, again. . . You've got a few songs?"

"Yeah." I simply said. 

"I think this one sound familiar." He said as he played one of my songs. "I've heard this one before. . . Oh. . . right. . . I have this in my playlist."

"Really?" I was quite happy to know that he somehow listened to my songs. "I'm kinda surprised that you didn't know about me."

"Well. . . I've been busy fighting for my life and making it a bit longer. That's why." He mumbled a reply.

That hit me hard. I fell quiet and apologized, "I'm. . . I'm so sorry. It was so insensitive of me."

"Hey. . . no worries. We all have life battles, you know. You, struggling to be known and show your craft to everyone. While I, trying to survive life for the person I love the most. You are not insensitive. You just didn't know about my battles until now." He said and held my hand. I held it tight and put both of our hands on my chest.

"Still," I said and kissed the back of his hand.

"Just like what people say, life goes on so move forward. Yeah. . . I like this one, too. . . this song 'Life Goes On'. . . it's in my playlist, too." He said happily.

"Hmm. . . mm. . ." I looked at him lovingly as he told me about the songs in his playlist. "You did it again." He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. "You managed to change the mood to a lighter one." He just smiled at me widely as he mouthed 'I know' and continued what he was doing.

To say that I was mesmerized was an understatement. For a short period that I knew this bundle of joy, I felt the need to spend time and be closer to him.




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